Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brazil research clues


1532 – Brazil’s slavery and bondage plantation economies. Sugar was the main crop in colonial Brazil in 1532. Sugar plantations or “fazendas” in Rio de Janero (timeline internet).

1550 – African slaves were transported to Brazil for sugar plantations.

16th to 18th centuries – High demand for sugar production resulted in the import of vast numbers of slaves from west. (21 Sept 2012).

1662-1807 – Between 1662 and 1807 British ships carried 3.25 million Africans across the Atlantic. 70% of them destined for the sugar economies of Brazil and the Caribbean. (The trader, the owner, the slave. James Walvin ©2007 UK).

Jan 1748 – Brazil and back to the UK. The “Greyhound” with African slaves. (The trade, the owner, the slaves. James Walvin (c)2007 UK).

1811-43 – About 50,000 slaves arrived at Valongo. This was Brazils main landing stage for African slaves.

1822-89 – Period of the Brazilian monarchy (timeline internet).

7 Sept 1822 – Brazil declared independence from Portugal (AP 9/7/97 timeline internet).

1839 – Italian revolutionary Garibaldi arrived in Brazil to help rebels there (timeline internet).

1865 – After the American civil war some southerners moved to Brazil where slavery was still permitted.

1874 – The “Adamant” ship arrived in Nelson New Zealand on 8 Aug 1874. On one voyage it ran aground off the coast of Brazil, but was refloated and continued its voyage. The voyage of the “Adamant” from Plymouth UK to Nelson NZ took 93 days. There were nine voyages to NZ altogether. (NZ genealogist. Jan Feb 2009).

13 May 1888 – Slavery was abolished in Brazil. About 4 million slaves were imported, the most of any country in the west.

13 May 1888 – Princess Isabel of Brazil signed 'Lei Aurea' abolishing slavery. ( Today in history 13 May 2015).

1900 – 1957 – Brazil killed more than 80 Indian tribes. The population went from one. million to less than 200,000. (Worse than war. David Jonah Goldhagen (c)2009 US).

11 Feb 1935 – Johann “Jonny” Heinrich de Graff was sent to Brazil. Luis Carlos Prestes revolutionary movement wanted to overthrow the right wing government of Pres Getulio Vargas who had seized power in 1930. There was no SIS station in Brazil but the UK had business there. Canadian owned Brazilian Traction light and power company was the Rio utility company. (M16 SIS Keith Jeffery ©crown 2010 UK).

24 Aug 1942 – Brazil and the allies. NZ Herald. Daily southern cross. Papers past.

26 Aug 1942 – Brazil. Christchurch Press NZ. Papers past.

29 June 1943 –Reading Eagle. Former Nazi envoy in Brazil jailed. 19 suspected as German spies. Rio de Janeiro, Kurt Preuffer, former German ambassador to Brazil and 18 others as Nazi spies.

May 1944 – In Brazil there were many arrests and 86 convictions, Abwehr Germans in Brazil. (FBI a history. Rodri Jefferys Jones ©2007 US).

30 May 1945 – Government of Brazil. The Press Christchurch NZ. Papers past.

1950’s – A Norwegian who had fought in the forests during the resistance of World War Two, and went to Harvard business school, landed in Brazil. Erling Lorentzen, was seeking pulp from Eucalyptus trees in Brazil. (The emerging market century. ©2007 Antoine van Agtmael).

1954-87 – Alfreedo Stroessner an army general ruled Paraguay since 1954 when he seized power in a coup. Smuggling was a pillar of the economy, cigarettes, liquor and cars imported into Paraguay found their way to Brazil. Another racket was the laundering of stolen cars. Thousands of stolen cars from Brazil were taken to Paraguay and legalised on payment of a fee. The Stroessner regime was also linked to the drug trade. During the 1980’s Paraguay was importing chemicals used for coca paste into cocaine. Paraguay was one of the first Latin American countries where BCCI set up a branch. Ghaith Pharaon flew to Paraguay in late 1987.

1967-1980 – Red cross passports. Nazi Franz Stangl arrived in Brazil in 1967. He died in a German prison in 1971. Commander of Sobibor and Treblinka death camps. Where 1,250,000 Jews and gypsies were gassed to death. Stangl Nazis escaped on Red Cross passports. Gustav Wagner commander at Sobibor death camp. Arrested in Brazil in 1978and freed in Oct 1980, died in Sao Paulo Brazil. (Gods bankers. Gerald Posner. (c)2015 US).

3 September 1969 – The US ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped. Charles Burke Elbrick was kidnapped by the Marxist revolutionary group MR-8.

1970’s – Germany and a $5 billion contract with Brazil to build some power reactors and a reprocessing plant for spent nuclear fuel. President Carter vetoed the program because Brazil would have been able to produce enough plutonium to build an atomic bomb a month. The Germans eventually backed down. 1970’s German nuclear technology Helmut Schmidt and Jimmy Carter. German exports of advanced nuclear technology. (Last days of America. ©1981 PE Erdman).

1973 – John FW Dulles. Anarchists and Communists in Brazil. Austin Texas.

June 1973 – Order for 42 Northrop Tiger fighters worth $120 million Brazil (Arms bazaar. ©1977 Sampson).

1976 – A Roman ship was found, underwater archeology. Rio de Janero in 1976 from 250 AD in Brazil. (Atlantis and other lost worlds. Frank Joseph (c)2008 UK).

30 October 1978 – LDS President Kimball dedicates the Sao Paulo Brazil temple. (President LDS Mormon ©2006).

1980-2002 – Luiz Inaco Lula da Silva 2002 election in Brazil. A member of the progressive welfare party in 1980 helping the poor. Oil and gas reserves. (The secret history of the American empire. John Perkins ©2007 US).

Oct 1980 – Gustav Wagner died in Sao Paulo Brazil. (Gods banker. Gerald Posner. (c)2015 UK).

1988 – Antonio Bardellino and Mario Iovine, fish flour and cocaine business and murder. Interpol tracking. Bardellino’s body was never found. (Gomorrah, the other mafia. Roberto Saviano (c)2007 Italy).

1990s – In Brazil the Cali cartel worked closely with Italy’s organised crime groups there from Cyprus to launder drug money. (Drug barons. Paul Copperwaite ©2010 US UK).

1994 – Orphans and the transition from slave to free labour in northeast Brazil. John Meznar. Journal of social history.

1 May 1997 – Christopher Colombo missing person.

1998-Nov 2005 – China’s President visited in Nov 2005, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico and Peru. Chinese business, a satellite program in 1998. (The secret of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

1999 – A concise history of Brazil. Boris Fausto. Google books.

2000-2001 – Illicit trafficking in firearms. Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Pericles Gasparini Alves. UN institute. New York UN Worldcat database.

24 July 2002 – Ukraine and Brazil launch construction of a new booster rocket. Development of Tsiklom4 SLV for use from Brazils Alcantara facility. $180 million project equally shared by Ukraine involves more than 50 Ukraine firms. (Interfax FBIS doc CEP)

29 Oct 2003 – A shipment from Manaus Brazil through Rijeka Croatia was stopped in Hamburg Germany port with 255 kilos of cocaine. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

Feb 2004 – Cupola leader Fabio Franco was pulled out of the boot of a car by Brazil’s police after his arrest in Sao Paulo. (The history of organised crime. David Southwell ©2006 UK).

25 August 2004 – Brazil police seize black market uranium ore, taken from a secret mine. 1,320 pods of ore containing radioactive metals in a pick up truck was seized.

Jan 2005 – World Socialist forum in Brazil. (The secret of the American empire. John Perkins. ©2007 US).

2006 – Smuggling charges as organs are harvested from street children in Brazil. Costa Nostra. (The history of organised crime. David Southwell ©2006).

13 May 2006 – Sao Paulo violence, a rebellion in several prisons in Brazil. ( Today in history 13 May 2015).

9 August 2006 – Violence in Sao Paulo, suspected gang members exchanged gunfire with police, and hurled Molotov cocktails at banks, and burned buses in and around Sao Paulo, for a second day. A Brazilian died when he opened a grenade with a sledgehammer. Rios armed drug gangs who raid military bases.

27 November 2006 – Fake suicide bomber threaten to blow up Sao Paulo stock exchange. A masked man threatened to blow up the building of the Sao Paulo Stock exchange. Later it was discovered he was carrying a fake bomb.

2007 – A Brazilian CEO became head of Inbev Ambev, the world largest beer company, in a merger. (The emerging markets century. ©2007 Antoine van Agtmael).

2007 – Brazil’s CVRD made a $17.6 billion takeover bid for Canadian nickel giant Inco ltd. (The emerging market century. ©20076 Antoine van Agtmael).

2007 – The regional jets you fly are made by Embraer in Brazil. (The emerging markets century. ©2007 Antoine van Agtmael).

16 Feb 2007 – Brazil’s air force chief, major general Pedro Rafael Pena Antonio said on 15 Feb 2007. The Brazil government has offered to sell eight combat airplanes to the Dominican republic, Estadao reported. The transaction would include a funding plan for 100% of the aircrafts value. (Stratfor intel summary 16 Feb 2007).

2010 – UNICEF says 18% of children under five in Latin America and the Caribbean have not been legally registered. In Brazil 25 million people do not have a birth certificate. Three million babies in Colombia have not been legally registered. In Mexico’s Chiapas 25,000 boys and girls do not have a birth certificate. A person with no ID is not able to identify themselves. Those who “do not exist”. (Slavery inc. Lydia Cacho ©2010 UK).

12 Nov 2010 – Transport trailers. Port of Gioia Tauro Calabria operation meta. An undocumented container from Brazil filled with trailers for agriculture. Metal tubes frames 1,000 blocks and 1,000 kilos of cocaine. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

February 2011 – LDS Mormon Church history in Brazil. Ensign p70.

8 April 2011 – 1,200 kilos of cocaime was sent from Brazil in cans of palm, container at the port of Livorno was seized. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

21 Dec 2011 – At Fiumicino airport a Spanish model from Sao Paulo Brazil was detained. 2.5 kilos of pure cocaine crystals were found in her artificial breasts and buttocks. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

19 March 2012 – Secret files show 9,000 Nazis fled to South America after world war two. 2,000 Nazis in Brazil. Secret files from Bazil and Chile. Daily Mail online. Allan Hall.

June 2012 – LDS Mormon President Dieter F Uchtdorf dedicated the temple in Manaus Brazil. Ensign. Nov 2012.

8 June 2012 – Peanuts. The port of Gioia Tauro found in a container from Bazil was 630 kilos of cocaine. 580 blocks stuffed in 16 bags hidden in a shipment of peanuts. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

15 June 2012 – Sugar. The port of London UK a harbor terminal on the Thames. 30 kilos of cocaine was found hidden in a load of sugar in a cargo ship from Brazil. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

22 July 2012 – In Portugal the police arrested a man from Vicenza and found 120 kilos of cocaine in a container of skins from Brazil. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

3 Sept 2012 – At Lagos Nigeria airport a Nigerian from Brazil Sao Paulo. Customs found 2.5 kilos of cocaine hidden in roast chicken. (Zero zero zero. Roberto Saviano (c)2013 UK).

19 November 2012 – Brazil’s sex traffickers target Switzerland. Human trafficking a code of silence in Switzerland.

1 Jan 2013 – Mushtaq Ahmed. Missing person. Interpol.

12 May 2013 – Tammy Emanuele Alves Caldeira. Missing person.

13 March 2014 – NZ police look for cocaine smuggling suspect. Brazilian $1 million cocaine bust. South America. A cocaine supply route between Auckland and Christchurch New Zealand. Waikato Times NZ.

5 June 2014 – Daniel Stuckey. Andrew Blake. How FBI informant Sabu helped Anonymous hack Brazil. Motherboard Vice.

6 June 2014 – Two Brazilian's admit supplying cocaine. Possession of cocaine for supply 2.35 kilograms of cocaine worth 3.5 million was hidden. The Press NZ. David Clarkson.

23 June 2014 – FIFA world cup forces homelessness on thousands of children. Sick and elderly too. Liberty voice. Forced evictions by government. Liberty voice. Rebecca Savastio.

8 July 2014 – Brazil torture techniques revealed in declassified US documents.

6 Aug 2014 - . Four Brazil police officers arrested on rape charges. in a poor area. slums and police units. Latino Fox news EFE.

18 Sept 2014 – Tait expands in South America. New Zealand communications company buys Brazil giant SGM telecommunicacoei. Christchurch New Zealand based Tait communications. A digital wireless business. Sao Paulo military and police riots and anti poor people. Military police in Panama too. NZ Herald. Holly Ryan.

28 Sept 2014 – Senator dismissed for corruption in Brazil now behind bars. Banker construction magnate Luiz Estrevao. Fox news Latino.

4 Oct 2014 – Brazil elections. Wall street journal. Rio de Janeiro Rochinha slums. Reuters Sao Paulo.

6 Oct 2014 – The persistence of corruption in Brazil’s politics. Embezzlement and corruption. Brazil politics. Deusche Welle.

16 Oct 2014 – 51 arrested for child porn in Brazil. Brazil Business Today. Paedophiles.

22 Oct 2014 – Brazil corruption. Presidential voting, the evil of corruption is spreading like an epidemic. New York Times.

29 Oct 2014 – Lucas Lindemann Aagesen. Missing 9 year old boy. Interpol. San Paulo Brazil.

29 Oct 2014 – Brazil Socialist. The New Yorker. Dilma Rousseff. Brazil’s Socialist elected pres. The world’s fifth most populous country. Socialism and corruption. The Guardian UK.

31 Oct 2014 – Petrobras, law firms, corruption investigation., Petrobras is Brazil’s biggest company. Corruption scandals, money laundering and manipulation investigations.

31 Oct 2014 – Socialism and corruption in Brazil. Rouseff. The Guardian UK. embezzlement.

4 Nov 2014 – Petrobras int CEO. Wall Street Journal. Rio de Janero. Brazil State run company Petroleo Brasileko SA. Seattle SP.

4 Nov 2014 – Joseph Fitsanakis. Brazil to Portugal internet cable to avoid US intel agencies.

Nov 2014 – NZ prison guard denies corruption and bribery. Phillip Smith, murder and paedophile escaped from a NZ jail in Nov 2014 and went to Brazil. Robert Sikora denied charges. TVNZ. One news. Chris Chang. 21 Oct.

5 Nov 2014 – Brazil police and deaths in Belem. Police revenge attacks. Reports of off duty police killing nine people in Belem. BBC UK.

5-6 Nov 2014 – Nine people are killed in Brazil. Police vigilantes. San Paulo. The poor port city of Belem. Police killed nine people. Int business Times. Wall street journal.

9 Nov 2014 – US opens investigation into Brazil’s Petrobras. Nasdaq. US dept of justice. CNBC.

10 Nov 2014 – US turns up heat on investigation into Petrobras. Brazils biggest company, corruption case. Pres Dilma Rousseff. Financial Times.

10 Nov 2014 – Phillip Smith is now in Brazil. Brazil business news. Interpol.

11 Nov 2014 – Killer and paedophile from New Zealand is now in Brazil. Daniel Galvin. Passport Phillip John Traynor.

11 Nov 2014 – New Zealand murderer and prison escaper, paedophile may have joined up with an international paedophile ring in Brazil. NZ Herald. John Weekes.

11 Nov 2014 – Gherkin brought by Brazil’s banking rich for 700 million. Joseph Safra, Brazils second richest man is worth $12.2 billion. Bloomberg billionaires index. Telegraph UK.

11 Nov 2014 – The Gherkin, sold to Brazil’s Joseph Safra. The Gherkin is a London skyscraper. The Guardian UK.

11 Nov 2014 – Trail of escaped killer and paedophile leads to Brazil. Interpol spokesman Ricardo Quiroz.

11 Nov 2014 – Police talk to pair over Smith’s escape. A US based police officer is on his way to Brazil. Interpol alerts.

12 Nov 2014 – Skynews. Australia. International hunt for New Zealand paedophile killer. AAP.

13 Nov 2014 – Brazil police kill six people a day says report. Brazil forum on public safety. Police killed 11,197 people over the past 5 years. The Guardian UK.

13 Nov 2014 – Let Brazils homeless speak for themselves. Citylab. Removal of minors on the streets. Treatment of homeless by government is harsh.

13 Nov 2014 – Brazil’s police captured New Zealand murderer and paedophile Smith. Wellington Nick Perry. Brad Brooks in Rio de Janeiro.

15 Nov 2014 – Petrobras scandal widens, earning delayed. Sao Paulo, federal police arrested former executive. Wall street journal.

15 Nov 2014 – Brazil police arrest 18 in Petrobras corruption raids. State run oil firm Petrobras. BBC UK.

29 Nov 2014 – Skanska quits South America over corruption. 20 senior managers with a construction company in Brazil have been arrested for corruption. P
aying bribes. The Local.

14 Dec 2014 – Corruption allegations. Costa and moneylender Alberto Youssef among the first 20 to be arrested in March 2014. Corruption in Brazil. Telegraph UK.

17 Jan 2015 – Brazil and Tait. Tess McClure. Christchurch New Zealand tech company Tait communications. Brazil hub in Sao Paulo, Garry Diack. Contracts with the Sao Paulo police. Military police of the state of Parema and Petrobras. The Press Chch NZ.

22 Jan 2015 – A Brazilian surfer was shot dead by a police officer who was drunk. Funeral for the surfer with thousands of mourners. The Guardian UK.

27 March 2015 – Audrey Young. GCSB spying report. Brazil demands an explanation from New Zealand. Brazil diplomat Roberto Azevedo. The New Zealand GCSB spied on Brazil at the WTO. NZ Herald.

28 March 2015 – Corruption currents. Brazil new bribery scandal. Petrobras state owned oil company. Wall street journal.

28 March 2015 – Brazil police say massive tax fraud scheme. Sao Paulo AP Federal police say companies fraud amounts to $2 billion in unpaid fines and taxes. NZ Herald.

12 May 2015 – A mega city runs dry. Brazil's largest city is the focus of the worst water crisis. The largest city in a country, that holds 20% of the earth's fresh water supply ends up without any. Dandelion Care2.

8 June 2015 – Two people are dead after a prison riot erupted in south east Brazil's overcrowded jail. Two prisoners died. TVNZ. CTV news.

12 June 2015 – HSBC and Citigroup, Socgen foreign banks in Brazil. HSBC holdings pic. Scaling back in Bazil. Bloomberg.

26 June 2015 – Italy's mafia and cocaine trafficking. Calabrian crime syndicate Ndrangheta, drugs going through Brazil. 80% of all cocaine entering Europe goes through Santos port. Brazil. The Guardian UK.

29 July 2015 – Brazil businessman Odebrecht charged in corruption scandal. BBC UK.

29 July 2015 – CEO from Brazil Electonuclear was arrested in corruption probe. Electrobras unit. Bribes from construction companies between 2009 and 2014. Wall street journal.

1 Aug 2015 – HSBC nears $4 billion sale with Brazil. Bradesco is Brazil's second largest private bank, in talks with HSBC. Reuters. Financial Times.

19 Oct 2015 – Petrobras corruption. UK taxpayers pay millions, Brazil oil company. The Independent UK. Chris Green.

22 Oct 2015 – The horrors of Brazil's prisons. Jorges story. No matress to sleep on. State of Pernambuco, over crowded east Brazil. Human rights watch. The week in rights.

23 Oct 2015 – Killings of street children by police in Brazil, leading up to the 2016 Olympics. Twitter. CSC.

23 Oct 2015 – Street children are being killed in Brazil. Twitter. CSC.

4 Nov 2015 – Brazil's construction tycoon has been jailed for 19 years, for Petrobras corruption. Money laundering and racketeering. $8.3 million in bribes and Petrobras. Merco pres Sergio Cunha Mendes.

6 Nov 2015 – Dams burst in Brazil. 16 people were reported dead. A mining company in south east Brazil. Drowning homes and cars nearby. NZ Herald. Sydney Morning Herald.

27 Nov 2015 – A 6.4 earthquake hit western Brazil. G+. Griffin Walker. NDTV. USGS.

5 Dec 2015 – Corruption and economic crisis. The corruption scandal at Petrobras the . state owned energy company. Financial Times.

5 Dec 2015 – Global crisis. Goldman Sachs says that Brazil has plunged into an outright economic depression. One of the most important banks in the western world. A full blown economic depression. Brazil's economy and things are going to get far worse. An economic disaster. G+. Before its news.

12 Dec 2015 – Corruption in big irrigation plan. Millions of dollars was diverted. Arrests in corruption of water project. NZ Herald. Wall street journal. Sao Paulo. AP. Reuters.

24 Dec 2015 – Brazil and a mosquito virus. Link between mosquito virus and birth defects. VOA. State of emergency in Brazil.

5 Jan 2016 – Brazil heads for worst recession since 1901. Last time was 1930 to 1931 the Great Depression years. David Biller. Bloomberg.

8 Jan 2016 – Anderson Luiz Dos Santos age 32 a tourist from Brazil, died in a head on car crash on 8 Jan 2016 in Queenstown New Zealand.

13 Jan 2016 – A tourist couple from Brazil in New Zealand, theft of a handbag. Hamish McNeilly. The cruise ship Celebrity Solstice in Otago port New Zealand.

27 Jan 2016 – Brazil police raids. “Operation carwash” and “triple x”. Corruption, offshore companies and money laundering. Reuters.

10 Feb 2016 – Natural news. Like rape, its not your body now, it belongs to the government.

12 Feb 2016 – Natural news. Mass fumigation of poor people in Brazil causes the brain damage.

19 Feb 2016 – New Zealand farmer Murray Douglas is now in Brazil. New Zealand farmers will travel to Sri Lanka soon.

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