Saturday, February 27, 2016

Israel research clues


5800 BC – Olive oil has been found from 8,000 years ago. At Ein Zippori near Nazareth. The Olive oil vessels found were dated to 5800 BC. (Christianiy Today 30 Dec 2014. Gordon Gouier).

1400 BC – Jericho and Israel. They circled the city seven times. The ground began to shake and the wall collapsed. Tourmentous collapse of the walls of Jericho. Joshua. The city was destroyed and set on fire. Walls and floors were found blackened by fire. Biblical accounts. The Judean mountains, Canaan. (Holy wars. Gary L Rashbe (c)2011 US UK).

1400 BC – In Jericho a massive wall. Recent earthquakes, the Jordan river. The Book of Joshua. Ark of the coventant. Earthquakes occured at the time. Crossing the banks of the Jordan river. Stone tablets. Ten Commandments which Moses got on Mount Sinai. Seven priests blew rams horn tumpets. 40,000 Israelis. (Holy wars. Gary L Rashbe. (c)2011 US UK).

1000 BC – Dor and Meggido, ancient towns in Israel were destroyed about 1000 BC. Earthquakes in the region, killer quakes of the bible. Meggido and Dor were repeaedly hit by earthquakes in the past causing destruction. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

1000 BC – Killer earthquakes of the bible. The ancient towns of Dor and Meggido collapsed. Armageddon is an ancient city in Israel aka Meggido. (Megiddo). (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

950 BC – King Solomon built the temple of Jerusalem. (The sory of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK).

928-11 BC – King David and his son Solomon. Solomon's son Rehoboam from 928-11 BC. (Holy wars. Gary C Rashhan (c)2011 US UK).

740-800 BC – Archeology evidence. The exodus.Moses in the bible. 751-800 BC. The Assyrians control world. Prophet Amos. Mitzvot, mount Sinai. Amos disciple Isaiah 740-700 BC. (Converts to Judaism. Lawrence J Epstein. US UK (c)2015).

732 BC – The Harbinger and ancient mysteries. The global economy. Ancient Israel in 732 BC and an enemy attack, a wake up call for the people. Assyrians. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

732 BC – Israel was attacked. The prophet Isaiah said to repent and be humble. Ruined buildings the Assyrians had destroyed. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

732 BC – Israel was attacked. The prophet Isaiah. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

732 BC – Looks like a storm. The days of calamity. Prayers and scripture. The 9 harbingers have been manifested in the last days. Each one is a sign. (The harbinger (c)2011 Jonathan Cahn US).

626 to 586 BC - Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, a priest in Anathoth near Jerusalem. He prophesised in Jerusalem for 40 years. During the reign's of Josiah, Jehoiakim and Zedekiah. He was a contempory of the Book of Mormon prophet Lehi. They both condemned the wickedness of the people in Jerusalem and foretold the destruction of that great city. (Ensign Oct 2014 p9 LDS).

605 BC – Daniel (From the bible) and three others were taken to Babylon. 605 BC was also the time of Nebuchadnezzar's Syrian campaign. The next 19 years Judah was. subject to Babylon. After a few years, king Jehoiakim was disloyal to Babylon. The Jews lost their freedom and were taken captive, the King was killed. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampley US).

605 BC – Babylon captivity and Israel. Nebuchadnezzar was the King of Babylon. 70 years Jeremiah's prophecy. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. (Warning revelation is about to be fulfilled. Larry W Wilson (c)2014 US).

605-606 BC – Bible books Daniel and Revelation. Daniel was the only book in the Bible to be sealed. Nebuchadnezzar went against Jerusalem. Jehoiakim was the King of Judah. Shinar was another name for Babylon. Jehoiakim burned God's words. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampley US).

600 BC – A vision which God gave to King Nebuchadnezzar in 600 BC. The vision occurred around 600 BC. Two men saw the vision of the image. King Nebuchadnezzar saw the vision first and later. God gave a copy of this vision to Daniel so he could explain the vision to the King. It spans a time period of more than 2,600 years. This vision has not yet been fulfilled. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson. (c)2003 US).

589 BC – We sailed for many days and arrived in the promised land, pitched tents. Called it the promised land. Sailed from Jerusalem Israel to the Americas. (The Book of Mormon p43 Lehi and Nephi).

587 BC – The Babylon ruler Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jeursalem and deported its Israelite and Jewish population to Mesopotamia. (A brief history of the human race. Michael Cook (c)2003 UK).

587 BC – The bible. Judaism and Islam with Israel at the seige of annihilation. During the exile in Babylon. (The biblical world. Jean Pierre Isbouts (c)2007 US).

586 BC – Daniel's faith in God. Chronology matrix. Bible prophecy and historical records. Revelation. King Nebuchadnezzar set seige to Jerusalem three times. He finally destroyed the city in 586 BC. Jeremiah 25. Ezekiel 14. King of Babylon. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

586 BC- Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and the temple that Solomon built. More Jews of Judah are taken captive to Babylon. (Timeline internet 3 April 2010).

586 BC – Jerusalem was destroyed and many members of the remaining two tribes of Israel were taken captive. (Gospel principles. LDS Mormon p247).

586 BC - The Shemitah is once every 7 years, rest, like the Sabbath. The economy, debts are cancelled, forgiveness of debt. Calamities. 586 BC Jerusalem, Judah. The prophet Yirmayahu aka Jeremiah and Babylon. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

586 BC – Prophecy and the destruction of Jerusalem. The Shemitah, covenant with God. All blessings come from God. The people of Israel and the Sabbath days and Sabbath years. An act of faith to trust in god. 586 BC the holy city was left a buring ruin. The holy land, calamity. The poor. The Shemitah sabbath of years and Jewish history. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn. (c)2014 US).

586 BC – The Babylonian army destroyed a temple built by King Solomon in Jerusalem. Prophet Jeremiah. The ark of the covenant was hidden. Discovery update.

586 BC – The Shemitah and the destruction of Jerusalem. Economy and trade. Recession, depression. Stock market crash and bankruptcy. Rabbis. The Shemitah is a sabbath rest and a blessing. Israel 586 BC calamity. Iran, Persian and Assyria;. (The mystery of the Shemitah Jonahan Cahn (c)2014 US).

552 BC – The first year of Belshazzar. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

550 BC – Pieces of a puzzle. God gave the vision in Daniel 8 to Daniel in about 550 BC. The Apocalyptic sequence order of events. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

538 BC – Angel Gabriel and Daniel. The time of the end. Mark of the beast, survival to buy and sell. Daniel 8 is a prophecy. 538 BC and ends with the second coming of Christ. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

457 BC to 33 AD – The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 began in 457 BC and ended in 33 AD. (A study of the seven seals and the 144,000. Larry W Wilson (c)2004 US).

457 BC to 1844 AD – The 2,300 years began in Spring 457 BC. Spring 1844 AD. Daniel 9. The opening of the 3rd seal, Revelation 6. Books opened in 1844. 457 BC marks the beginning of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

300 BC – There are 13 religious works written by Jewish authors before 300 BC and the late 1st century Apocrypha. Book of Revelation. Chronology of biblical events. Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. Noahs ark. (The biblical world. Jean Pierre Isbouts (c)2007 US).

250 BC to 65 AD – The Isaiah scroll. Dead sea scrolls. The oldest parts of the bible. The Qumran scrolls. Text of the bible. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

6 Dec 167 BC – Antiochus IV desecrated temple. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

167 BC – Jews in Jesah and Antiochys wars. The Maccabean. A priest Judas Maccabeus led the Jews. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

16 Dec 164 BC – Temple cleansed and services resumed. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

164 BC – A new altar was dedicated in the temple of Jerusalem. Jews celebrated the restoration of the temple, day Chislev 25, ever since. Hannukkah the dedication. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

27 March 160 BC – death of general Nicanor, one of the generals that Lysais appointed to destroy the Jews. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson. (c)2003 US).

73 BC – The Romans attacked the Jews in Masada and Judea. Roman coins have been found. The arch of Titus. (Holy wars. Gary C Rashban (c)2011 US UK).

72-73 BC – Jewish revolt against Rome. (Holy wars. Gary C Rashban (c)2011 US UK).

64 BC – Pompey invaded Jerusalem. Ancient Rome timelne. History timelines. Internet.

31 BC – The prophet Elijah. Mount Horev. An earthquake and fire. Herod the great in 31 BC and a devastating earthquake. (Apocalype. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

21 BC to 61 AD – The Dead sea scrolls in Qumran Israel. (The story of archeology. Justin Pollard (c)2007 UK).

0000 – Jesus Christ was born and lived. Biblical archeology. The birth of Jesus Christ.. The reign of king Herod. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Rome Tetrach. (Daily reporter. Tear down this wall. 18 Oct 2015. Coldwater Michigan US).

0000 – Rome had power in Israel at the time of Jesus Christ birth. The little horn power refers to pagan and Papal Catholic Rome. Daniel 7:21-25. A human priesthood denied worshipers access to Christ. Catholic and LDS churches. Gabriel the angel and the prophecies of Daniel. Revelation 1:3. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampley US).

27-31 AD – The baptism of Jesus Christ was in 27 AD. Christ was crucified in spring 31 AD and hung on the cross. Daniel 9:24-27. Matthew 27:50-51. (Holy bible King James. CD Stampley (c)1976 US).

7 April 30 AD – Jesus Christ died. (A study of the seven seals and the 144,000. Larry W Wilson. (c)2004 US).

31 AD – Tiberius was emporer of Rome. Pilate was the Roman ruler over Judea Israel. The crucifiction of Jesus Christ. The Jews were oppressed. The Rabbis said Jesus Christ would end Rome's rule and oppression. 2 Corinthians 4:4. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12. Jesus Christ was put to death on a Roman cross. Hebrews 2:14. (Holy bible King James. CD Stampley (c)1976 US).

33 AD – The crucificxion of Jesus Christ. Roman rule of Jerusalem. The origin of Christianity. Ancient Rome timeline. History timelines. Internet.

70 – The destruction of the temple at Jerusalem in 70. Destroying hundreds of texts, but the Jews hid some. (A universal history of the destruction of books. Fernando Baez (c)2004 US).

70 – The Romans destroyed Jerusalem Israel. Matthew. Jesus prophesied this. Jersusalem was surrounded by armies. Judea to flee. (Warning revelation is aboiut to be fulfilled. Larry W Wilson (c)2014 US).

70 – Biblical prophecy and the end times. The Jewish people, Jerusalem and Israel. 2,000 years. In 70 AD Israel was invaded by Roman armies. In the 15th century the land fell to the Turkish Ottomans, who ruled until the 20th century. The 20th century Balfour declaration, the Jewish people were back in Israel after 2,000 years in exile .(The mystery of the shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

70 AD – Jerusalem under seige by the Roman army led by Titus, son of emperor Vespasian. Roman forces broke down the walls and set fire to the temple. Thousands of people were killed and tens of thousands of people were enslaved. 40 years earlier, Galilean Rabbi Yeshua aka Jesus Christ prophecy of Jerusalem being destroyed. (The Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

70 AD – Jesus warned the Jews of the future destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Prophecy. Timothy 3:1-5. The symbol of the great red dragon or devil satan was pagan Rome. (Holy bible King James. CD Stampley (c)1976 US).

70 AD - The seige of Jerusalem in 70 AD. New Testament. Christ. Matthew 24:20. (Holy bible King James. CD Stampley (c)1976 US).

95 – Isaiah. God gives people choice or agency. Ancient history. God revealed the last days to John in 95 AD. (Warning revelation is about to be fulfilled. Larry W Wilson (c)2014 US).

363 – A earthquake in Jerusalem and fire killed many people. (Apocalpse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

19 May 363 AD – Earthquake. Strong winds and storm. 23 cities were badly damaged. Excavations in Petra. (Apocalypse. Amon Nur. (c)2008 UK).

637 – Bethlehem Israel, the nativity and Jesus birthplace. The west bank and the Muslim caliphate Omar Ibn al Khattab in the Bethleham in 637. Bethlehem's Christian population. (History Today. Dec 2013 UK).

749 - South of Susita are the ruins of ancient Bet Shean, a city from the bible. Bet shean was destroyed by the 749 earthquake. Excavations in the city. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

9 Oct 1192 – Richard I of the UK, lion heart, allegedly left Jerusalem Israel in disguise. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 9 Oct 2015).

1202 – Earthquake in Israel. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

1517-1917 – Israel during the Ottoman period. Earthquakes, the walls of a mosque collapsed. Faults, two different earthquakes. Metzad Ataret. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

14 Jan 1546 – A large earthquake struck Jerusalem. In Nablus 500 people were killed in the ruins. The damage was severe in Jerusalem. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

1798 – The angel Gabriel said the beginning of the “time of the end” was to be at the end of 2300 days. Daniel 8:14-17. This book (Daniel) was to be sealed for a specific time. The unsealing of Daniel, when the prophecies could be understood. The words sealed. The time of the end could not come until all that was predicted of the Papal power had been fulfilled. Papal power in 1798. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampey US).

1843 – Since 1843 the book of Daniel has been unsealed. The prophecies understood . Daniel was read and studied. Unsealing of Daniel. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampley US).

1844 – Christ's judgement. Last days. Revelation 14:6-16. The judgement arrived in 1844 in the fulfillment of Daniel 8:14. Its going on now. (Holy bible King James. (c)1976 CD Stampley US).

1844 – The judgment of the dead began in 1844. (A study of the seven seals and the 144,000. Larry W Wilson (c)2004 US).

11 Sept 1880 – The exodus of Israel. NZ Herald. Papers past.

1917 – The Balfour declaration, Yom Kippur. Allenby in Jerusalem. 11 Dec 1917. Balfour declaration on 2 Nov 1917. 16 Sept 1917 the year of the end of 2,000 years in exile. In 70 AD the Jewish people were scattered. 1917 marked the end of 2,000 years of exile. (The mystery of the shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

2 Nov 2017 – Allenby entered Jerusalm on 11 Dec 1917. The Balfor declaration on 2 Nov 1917. It was the Ottoman Turks that relinquished the land. 2,000 years of foreign rule over the land came to an end. (The Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

9 Dec 1917 – British troops and General Allenby seized Jerusalem. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 9 Dec 2015).

1921 – Snow in Jerusalem in 1921. Snow is mentioned in the bible only once. Holy land. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

1927 – Jericho earthquake in Jerusalem Israel. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

1927 – The dead sea and a major earthquake fault. Jericho earthquake, the largest in the region, near Jerusalem. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

1938 – Ancient Jericho is the world's oldest city. The Jews worked in wheat fields in the Jezreel valley in 1938. Photo. (Holy wars. Gary C Rashban (c)2011 US UK).

17 Sept 1939 – Philby, father of spy Kim Philby, met with Chaim Weizmann, later first president of Israel, to negotiate with Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, acceptance of a Jewish State. In return for 20 million pounds. Ibn Saud was broke and accepted. (The house of Saud. Said K Aburish ©2005 UK).

Late 1940s – Collection and preservation of knowledge, the Dead sea scrolls, found in the late 1940s in caves near the north western shore of the Dead sea, they are written on parchment leather. (A history of info storage and retrieval. Foster Stockwell (c)2001 US).

1948 – One of the Jewish agency officials, Reuven Zislani who worked in the Foreign intel dept of the agency. After 1948 Zislani changed his name to Reuven Shiloah and became the first head of Israel’s foreign intel service, the Mossad. (Empire of secrets. Calder Walton (c)2013).

14 May 1948 – The state of Israel was proclaimed. (This day in history. 14 May 2015).

29 Jan 1949 - The UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Amsterdam, New Zealand and Switzerland recognised Israel. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 29 Jan 2016).

12 Feb 1949 – An unidentified aircraft bombed Jerusalem. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 12 Feb 2016).

1950 – Excavations by the British, they found fallen red bricks from the wall. Dates back to Jericho in 1400 BC. (Holy wars. Gary L Rashbe (c)2011 US UK).

2 March 1951 – Mossad was created. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

12 Feb 1953 – The USSR broke off relations with Israel. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 12 Feb 2016).

29 Oct 1956 – Israel invaded Egypt Suez canal, joined by France and the UK. ( This day in history 29 Oct 2015).

1 June 1962 – 11 April 1961 Adolf Eichmann was on trial. A Holocust Nazi SS officer. 15 Dec 1961 hanging death. 1 June 1962, (Before its news. 14 Dec 2015).

1967 – Israel and war with Egypt. 19 May 1967 and 22 May 1967. Egypt blocked Israeli ships from the Straits of Tiran. 5 June 1967 “Operation Focus” and the 6 day war. 2,000 years since 70 AD. Jerusalem was Jewish, end times prophecy. (The mystery of the shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

7 June 1967 – Biblical prophecy. The western wall as the holiest site of Judaism in Jerusalem. Prayers and rabbi Shlomo Goren Shofar. The land of Israel with Jerusalem the holy city. (The mystery of the shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

21 Oct 1967 – An Israeli ship, the Eilat, was off the Egyptian coast and was hit by 3 Russian styx missiles, fired from Port Said. 47 Israeli sailors were killed and 41 injured. Out of 197 officers, the Eilet was sunk. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

17 Feb 1969 – Golda Meir was sworn in as PM of Israel. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 17 Feb 2016).

1970s – When Israel and Russia signed a secret nuclear deal in the 1970s. Jewish emigration from Russia to Israel increased. (The history of organised crime. David Southwell ©2006).

1972 – Sayerat Matkal Israeli green berets stormed a hijacked Belgiun airliner at Tel Aviv airport. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2009 UK).

1972 – Ezer Weizman at the Israeli defence ministry met with PM Botha from South Africa. BOSS and Mossad. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1973 – Archeology and the Dead sea scrolls. London UK. Oxford uni press.

1973 – Earthquake, Hebrew Armageddon. The Book of revelation 16. 1973 prof Ben Menahem Weizmann in Israel. Eruption and the Dead sea fault. Archeology and text evidence. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

5-6 Oct 1973 – Egypt, Yom Kippur Jewish holy days, war began. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

1988 – Shmuel Almog. Anti semitism through the ages. Oxford. Pergamon press.

1988 to 1995 – Between 1988 and 1995 more than 750,000 Jewish émigrés left Russia for Israel. (The history of organised crime. David Southwell ©2006).

14 Dec 1989 – Discovery of mass graves in Israel. This may solve the mystery of the lost children. Globe and Mail Toronto Canada. 200 children were in six mass graves. A 40 year old mystery. Yemenite Jews.

1990-1998 – Israeli defence colonel Yair Klein. Liberia's anti terrorist unit. RUF of Libya. Diamonds for arms. Two other Israelis, Dov Katz and Dan Gertler. Jan 1990. Sept 1998 Ukraine. Istanbul Turkey. Leonid Minin was born Leonid Bluvstein in Odessa Ukraine in 1947. Jewish Russian emigres went to Israel. 1975 in Germany. (The shadow world. Andrew Feinstein (c)2011 UK).

17 Jan 1991 – Iraqi Desert Storm. Seven scuds hit Tel Aviv and Haifa destroying 1,587 buildings and wounding 47 people. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

22 Jan 1991 – An Iraqi scud missile landed in Tel Aviv's suburb of Ramat Gan. 96 people were wounded and three people died of heart attacks. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thoams (c)2008 UK).

22 Jan 1991 – Gulf war. Three Scuds and one Patriot missile hit Ramat Gan in Israel. 96 people were injured. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 22 Jan 2016).

1992 – Tel Dor 1100 BC city of Dor, skeletons south of mount Carmel, excavations 1050 BC. Dor buried ash and charcoal. Excavations at Dor. Photos. Bones were found under rubble, skeletons, earthquake. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 UK).

6 April 1994 – The first Palestinian suicide bombing was in Afula Israel. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

Nov 1995 – Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

May 1997 – The Eizenstat report. US and allied efforts to release gold and assets looted by Nazis during world war two.

30 July 1997 – Two Hamas suicide bombers killed 15 people and injured 157 in Jerusalem. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas (c)2008 UK).

2-4 Dec 1997 – Papers from the London UK conference on Nazi gold.

Jan 1998 – Elizabeth White. The disposition of SS looted victims gold during and after world war two. American uni int law review.

Dec 2000 – Plunder and restoration. The US and Holocaust victims assets. Advisory commission on Holocaust assets and the staff report.

May 2003 – Two British born suicide bombers attacked Tel Aviv. Three people were killed and 50 injured. The explosives were made in a weapons research lab in ZDF China, 4 miles west of Beijing. (Gideons spies. Gordon Thomas. (c)2008 UK).

2005 – Sex slavery and porn, drugs and extortion. By 2005 Israel had laundered $10 billion of the Russian mafiya’s illicit profits. (The history of organised crime. David Southwell ©2006).

May 2005 – From Argentina to Israel, escape, evacuation and exile. Mario Sznajder and Luis Roniger. Journal of Latin American studies.

26 Feb 2006 – Orly Halpern. Exiled Hamas leader gives interview. Jerusalem Post.

2007 – Gregg J Rickmann. Conquest redemption. A history of Jewish assets from the Holocaust. New Brunswick NJ.

2007 – Frank Joseph. Opening the ark of the covenant. US new p books.

16 Aug 2007 – US and Israel in $30 billion arms deal. BBC UK.

2008 – Dead sea scrolls. Caves in the Judean desert. Caves filled with rubble, Historical accounts of earthquakes in this area, archeology at Qumran. Dead sea scrolls. Other scrolls await discovery under the rubble. (Apocalypse. Amos Nur (c)2008 US).

2008 – Gideon's spies. Gordon Thomas. Mossad. Aurum press UK. ISBN 978-1-78131-281-0.

2009 – Jewish people lost 6 million people in the Holocaust. Incuding 2 million children. In 2009 the Hebrew uni said that if the Holocaust had not happened their would be 32 million Jews, rather than only 13 million. (Converts to Judaism. Lawrence J Epstein. UK US (c)2015).

2011 – Holy wars. Gary L Rashbe. Battles in the holy land. US and UK. ISBN 978-1-61200-008-4. Casemate publisher.

11 Nov 2012 – Israel fired a warning missile after Syrians strike Golan. Radio Free Europe. Radio Liberty. Reuters. AP. AFP.

3 Dec 2012 – Road at Bethsaida from the time of Jesus. Archeology. The ancient town of Bethsaida, sea of Galilee excavations, to find artefacts from the Roman times.. Bible history. Pinterest. 7 Nov 2015.

5 Jan 2013 – A 61 year old Israeli tourist was killed in New Zealand. Irit Wilder of Kiryat Tivon. She was CEO of Medicalix a pharma company in Israel. Apartheid Fort New Zealand.

31 May 2013 – Mass graves in Jaffa. But who killed them. Algemeiner. Gaza kindergarten was run by Islamic Jihad. Six mass grave sites 1936 Palestinian uprising.

2 June 2013 – Mass graves from 1948 uncovered in Jaffa. Ynet news. Six mass graves with the remains of dozens of Palestinians killed.

2014 – The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn. Charisma house book group US. ISBN 978-1-62998-193-2.

2014 – Israeli farmers. The Shemitah and Jewish Rabbis. The earth belongs to God. A cleansing of the financial and economic slate brings release. God is the source of all blessings. Be humble, every good thing comes from God. The Shemitah rest sabbath years. Puzzle pieces. The Shemitah is to years what the sabbath is to days. (The mystery of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

26 Nov 2014 – Holocaust victims database. jpace news. Yed Vashem’s database. Erica Morris.

2015 – Stories from biblical times to today. Converts to Judaism. Lawrence J Epstein. Rowman and Littlefield. US UK. ISBN 978-1-4422-3467-3. Hardback.

2015 – Anti semitism. The oldest hatred. John Mann. Bloomsbury publishers. ISBN 978-1-4729-2075-1. Paperback.

22 Jan 2015 – US issues a travel ban on the Israel Lebanon border. Jerusalem Post.

22 Jan 2015 – The Times of Israel. Hezbollah threatens to capture the Galilee and beyond. Lebanese terror group.

27 Jan 2015 – World marks 70 years since the Auschwitz liberation. The Jerusalem Post. Dispora, the world is once again facing a rise in anti Semitism.

7 Feb 2015 – In New Zealand a van crash killed an Israeli tourist while four others are in hospital. A rented mini van in Canterbury's Greta valley. Six Israeli tourists. One news. TVNZ.

10 Feb 2015 – Israeli tourist in a New Zealand car crash will be buried in Israel. Liora. Keren age 61.

18 Feb 2015 – Divers find Israel's biggest trove of gold coins off the Israeli coast. CNN.

30 July 2015 – Twitter. The Times of Israel. A 4.4 earthquake was felt across Israel.

20 Aug 2015 – 3575 images Kiryat shaul west side Tel Aviv district Israel 3 days ago. Billion graves activity.

20 Aug 2015 – 3691 images added to Kiryat shaul cemetery Tel Aviv district Israel 3 days ago. Billion graves activity.

4 Sept 2015 – Youtube. Sid Roth's its supernatural. Shemitah 2015 with Jonathan Cahn. What you need to know.

30 Sept 2015 – Rubin center research.

Oct 2015 – Discovery update. Wake up and turn to God. Disasters strike the world. Israel and the Dead sea. Sodom and Gomorrah. The border between Israel and Jordon. Archeologists found 1,000,000 graves. Gomorrah and a city reduced to ash. 3,900 years ago. Corrupt cities and brimstone. Dead sea sites.

16 Oct 2015 – Palestinians set fire to biblical Joseph's tomb. Jewish holy site in Nablus, amid riots. BBC UK

17 Oct 2015 – Holocaust. Old pics archive. Twitter. Anonymous uncensored.

23 Oct 2015 – Hamas leader vows continuing terror attacks against Israelis. He spoke at a rally in South Africa. Khaled Mashaal. Penny Care2.

3 Nov 2015 – Archeology finds in Jerusalem, the city of David. Ancient mystery. Excavations. The Jerusalem Post.

10 Nov 2015 – Floods wreck havoc in Israel. RT. Twitter.

14 Nov 2015 – A Palestinian gunman kills two Israelis in the West bank. G+. Griffith Walker. Reuters.

27 Nov 2015 – Russia to boycott Turkish goods and buy from Israel instead. G+. Israel national

4 Dec 2015 – A Tel Aviv court convicts the head of the Israeli mafia in New York. Eitan Haya. Jerusalem Post.

20 Dec 2015 – Nazi looted art shows up in Israel. Holocaust assets. Breaking Israel news.

21 Dec 2015 – Danon urges UN to condemn rocket attacks on northern Israel. Jerusalem Post. Danielle Ziri.

27 Dec 2015 – Russian arrested in Israel, at the request of the US, for breaking into computer databases. Alex Burkov and extraditon to the US from Israel. Russia beyond the headlines.

Jan 2016 –

1 Jan 2016 – Torture of Jews. Haaretz. Chaim Levinson.

2 Jan 2016 – A terrorist gunman opened fire at a Tel Aviv bar in Dizengoff street. 12 gunshots were heard. The terrorist ran away. Irish Independent. Inna Lazareva. Two people died and seven injured.

2 Jan 2016 – Anti Israel historians get a taste of their own medicine. Jerusalem Post. Rafael Medoff.

12 Jan 2016 – Jewish Telegraph agency.

26 Jan 2016 – Jerusalem Post. Palestinians using foreign aid to fund anti-Israeli terror..

27 Jan 2016 – Eight Hamas militants were killed during heavy rains as a terror tunnel under Gaza city collapsed. Jerusalem post.

27 Jan 2016 – Archeology. Found in Galilee inscriptions, rabbis 1,700 years old. Aaramaic. Late Roman era, cemeteries Jewish. Jesus language. Jerusalem Post.

4 Feb 2016 – Two Israeli tourist rabbis were involved in a car accident in New Zealand. Minor injuries. Crash with a Chinese tourist businessman.

6 Feb 2016 – Archeology. A 3,500 year old seal of Pharaoh Thutmose III has been found in Israel. The Cairo Post. G+. Gnotic pasta.

Sept 2016 – Sept 2015 to Sept 2016. Begining on Yom Kippur. Jubilee. Jerusalem restoration, (The Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn (c)2014 US).

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