Saturday, February 27, 2016

New Zealand 1350 to 1939 clues

New Zealand 1350 to 1939

No date – Find your family on the internet. Ros Henry. A NZ guide. ISBN 1-877361-09-7.

1350 – Maori ancestors arrived in New Zealand on seven canoes from Hawaiki. The mother island of east Polynesians. First ancestors of Maori came from Hawaikki.

15th century – The records of Maori in the memory of the Tohungas, was handed down from generation to generation. This dates their landing in NZ at the beginning of the 15th century. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd).

15th century – Victoria uni archeologist Bruce McFardge said there is evidence of huge waves hitting NZ in the 15th century. Maori legend says waves reached up to the clifftops and tsumani. (Chch Star NZ. 25 Sept 2015 Gabrielle Stuart).

1617 – Transportation of poor children or orphans to Australia, Canada and New Zealand began in 1617. (The peoples detective. Tom McGregor UK).

1640-1846 – Pakeha presence, British in the 1640s. By 1840 NZ was annexed by the UK, there were 7,000 British traders, whalers and settlers before 1846. (Family history monthly. August 2003 p74).

1642 - NZ was first visited by Europeans in the reign of King Charles 1. In 1642 by a Dutch explorer named Abel Jansen Tasman. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd).

1717 – The Alpine fault in the South island there was an 8 quake. The last one was in 1717. (Chch Star NZ. 7 Jan 2015).

1769-1779 – Captain Cook in 1769, more than 100 years after the visit by Tasman. Hawaii where captain Cook died in 1779. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd).

1769-1869 – A people’s history. Dept internal affairs. From the dictionary of NZ biography vol 1 ©1992 ISBN 0-908912-20-x.

Oct 1769 – Europeans arrived on the Endeavour with canons and muskets. (Asia making of NZ. H Johnson B Moloughney)

1787-1968 – About 60,000 ships sailed in Australian and New Zealand waters between 1787 and 1968. Website run by Peter Larson. (Family history monthly. August 2003 p62).

1790’s – New Zealand was settled by whalers and traders. First free settlers arrived in Australia. (The people detective. ©2001 T McGregor UK).

1792-1859 – NZ trade with China dates back to 1792 with a shipment of sealskins. China was still a market for NZ exports when the first trade meeting was published in 1859. (Asia making of NZ. H Johnson B Moloughney).

1796-1852 – James Cook explored NZ on the Endeavour in 1796. New Zealand was under New South Wales Australia until it became a British colony in 1840. Fencible soldiers and families arrived between 1847 and 1852. Irish settlers with pensions from the British army, escaped from the great famine in Ireland, they were given free passage for their families. (How to trace your Irish ancestors. ©2008 Ian Maxwell UK)

July 1796 – Charlotte Badger, one of the first two pakeha women to live in NZ. In July 1796 she was sentenced to seven years transportation to Australia, exile for life. (Convicts NZ. M.Wright ©2012).

1798 – 1844 is 46 years after 1798. When Jesus began his ministry on earth. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

1800-1945 - Settlers in New Zealand were immigrants from England, Ireland and Scotland by Hearn Terry Phillips Jock. ISBN 1869404017 Publication date 1/4/2008 Trade me $40.

1806 – First British women arrived in New Zealand. (Timeline NZ internet).

1810-1814 – In 1814 John Lidiard Nicholes who sailed on the “Active” to the Bay of Islands. Met an Indian Lascar who had jumped ship from the ‘City of Edinburgh’ in 1810 and who lived with the Maoris, runaway Lascars were from India. (Asia making of NZ. H Johnson B Moloughney).

22 Dec 1814 – Samuel Marsden arrived in the Bay of islands. NZ's first mission station. Sheep, cattle, horses and poultry were introduced. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 22 Dec 2015).

1815 – Thomas Holloway King became the first British child born in New Zealand. (NZ in history. internet).

1815 – The chief at Waimate was Horomona Pobie. Born at Waimate in 1815, he died there and was buried in the cemetery with a fine tombstone. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcome and Tombs ltd).

1815 – Eruption occurred near Green lake Kermadec islands. Teara govt NZ, video 2006 eruptions.

4 Nov 1819 – Maori chiefs Hongi Hika and Rewa sold 13,000 acres at Kerikeri to the Christian missionary society for 48 felling axes. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 4 Nov 2015).

1820’s – Whaling stations began up the East Coast of the South Island, in Marlborough, on Cook Strait and the Kapiti coast, Hawkes Bay and East Cape in the 1820’s. Whale oil was in demand for lighting and heating, soap and tanning leather. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

1820-1839 – History of the Jews in New Zealand. As early as 1820s Jewish traders were among the groups of whalers, mariners, escaped convicts from Australia and missionaries who explored New Zealand. Solomon and Bevan Levy, were cabinet makers, who arrived on the ship “Oriental” in 1839. Wikipedia.

1823-1846 – Maori warrior Te Rauparaham with allied tribes from North Taranaki, settled in Kapati in 1823, at Taupo Pa. Te Rauparaha was arrested in July 1846. (NZ Memories. Feb March 2014).

1825-26 – In 1825 the first NZ association was formed in London UK. The ship “Rosanna” conveyed settlers here. Captain Herd arrived in Hauraki Gulf in 1826. (Canterbury old and new. 1850-1900 Whitcombe & Tombs ltd).

1830s – The Colonization of New Zealand began. (Hope for all. The hidden power. Hope

1830 – A whaling station was established at Te Awaiti on Cook strait. Also in 1830 Otakou shore whaling station was built in Otago harbour. (NZ a short history. Laurie Barber ©1989).

1830-1840 – In 1830 there had been no more than 300 to 330 Europeans living in NZ. By 1840 the number increased to 2,000. Most came to stay. Most came from New South Wales Australia. In 1840 the year the Treaty was signed, Maori outnumbered Pakeha in NZ by ten to one. (The story of NZ. J Bassett. K Sinclair. M Sienson ©1985).

17 July 1831 – Horrible cannibalism in NZ. The Observer 1791-1900 London UK.

1 October 1831 - John Guard was the second European child born in the South Island. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

1834 – William Colenso brought the first printing press to New Zealand. (Hope for all. The hidden power. Hope

1835 – The “Friendship” ship as wrecked at Norfolk island, prisoners. Norfolk was a Penal Colony at that time, from Sydney NSW 1835. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

1835-40 – Alexander McKenzie 1835 ?-1840 (Migration. Rod Edmond ©2013 NZ).

21 December 1835 - HMS Beagle sailed to Bay of Islands NZ (Timeline internet).

19 Dec 1836 – Crew of schooner “Marion Watson” ship Captain Harwood witheld provisions and water from them and discharged 3 men. (R4086400) Restricted access. Record is missing. Archives NZ. Archway records. British resident.

21 Dec 1836 – Record master of “Marion Watson” ship. Bay of Islands. 1836 British resident. Archives NZ. Archway records.

27 Dec 1837 – Colonization of NZ. The Manchester Guardian 1828-1900 UK.

1839 – The NZ company arrived in Lambton harbour, named it Wellington. (p7 colonial capital Wellington 1865-1910. Terence Hodgson ©1990).

1839 – There were only 2,000 white Europeans in Aotearoa NZ and 114,000 Maori. (NZ a short history. Laurie Barber ©1989).

1839 – After the British voted to abolish the slave trade, ( it still exists in 2015), NZ missionaries, the Reverend Brumby bought 20 slaves to Wellington, to return to their Maori families. (NZ genealogist May June 2011)

July 1839 – March 1840 – The “Adelaide” with Hunt A Baker from Feoch in Cornwall, arrived in port Nicholson and the “Glenbervie”. These two ships were the last of six ships to reach Petone New Zealand. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching)

1840 – M N Watt. Index to the NZ section of the register of all British ships 1840-1950. NZ ship and marine society Wellington 1961.

1840 – Auckland maritime museum. Ancestors who came to NZ from the UK by ship from 1840’s onwards. The museum holds lists of ships passengers. Poor immigrants. Museums of all kinds in every town. (p64 Writing your family history. A NZ guide. Joan Rosier Jones ©1997).

1840 – Ship the “Magnet” from Sydney to Otago.

1840 – Since 1840 about 10 tsunamis bigger than 5m have hit NZ. A big one in 1868 following a 9 earthquake off Chile. (Chch Star NZ. 25 Sept 2015 Gabrielle Stuart.)

1840 – Hugh and Lyn Hughes were discharged in NZ. Soldiers of the Imperial foot regiments who took their discharge in NZ 1840-1870 NZGE Auckland 1988.

1840’s – Most of the early NZ immigrants were young. Few old people could stand the long sea voyage. The longest route for migrants in the world, of several months. (The story of NZ. Bassett Sinclair Stenson ©1985).

1840s to 1850s – Florence Rebecca Bensemann was born on 27 Jan 1877. All her grandparents emigrated from northern Germany to NZ, to Nelson and spoke German. (NZ Memories June July 2014).

1840-1870 – The Smith Nairn commission reports, from the 1870s. The department of lands and surveys had these documents. Maori lands in the 1840s, 50s and 60s in the South island. Settlements, the legal personality of the group or person, you have signed, but have been ignored. Recognise the legal personality, of who you are dealing. Dehumanising tactics. (The Bolger years. Margaret Clark ©2008 NZ)_.

1840-1900 - NZ birth records from early newspapers CD extracted from newspapers (Trade me $40).

1840-1902 - Henry Brett. White wings Immigrant ships to NZ. Ed Cyril Bradwell Reed Wellington NZ 1984.

1840-1944 – MP Lissington. New Zealand and the United States. Wellington 1972. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldred Grigg ©2010 NZ).

1840-1960 – Between 1840 and 1860, 40,000 British emigrated to New Zealand by assisted passage. From 1890 to 1960 British emigration is found in passenger lists and national archives. (Family tree. Dec 2009 p20).

4 Feb 1840 – Henry Williams and his son Edward translated the Treaty of Waitangi into Maori. (NZ a short history. Laurie Barber ©1989).

6 Feb 1840 – The treaty of Waitangi was signed between 40 Maori chiefs and the British crown at Waitangi. Shared sovereignty. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 6 Feb 2015).

12 Feb 1840 – The “Bengal Merchant” Captain Henley carried 120 passengers to NZ arrived on 12 Feb 1840, after a voyage of 104 days. Three other ships the “Ariel”, “Aurora” and “Roxburgh” early settlers. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe & Tombes ltd).

18 Apr 1840 – The first newspaper was published in NZ, the NZ Gazette. (Tracing family history in NZ. Anne Bromell).

1841 – The McKenzie family name was recorded as MacKenzie in the 1841 census but not elsewhere. (Migrations. Rod Edmond NZ ©2013).

1841 – The “Blenheim” arrived in NZ. Captain Sinclair. In 1841 John Hay arrived on the “Mandarin”. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe & Tombes ltd).

1841-1842 – The voyage to NZ took four months, or longer if the ship struck bad weather. It was crowded and uncomfortable, fresh food was scarce and illness a constant worry. No fresh water for washing. For example the ship “Lloyds”, which sailed for Nelson in 1842, 65 children died during the voyage. 8 died from whooping cough, the rest died from malnutrition, diarrhea and neglect. Small bodies were buried at sea and were a common sight. (The story of NZ. Bassett Sinclair Stenson ©1985).

6 Jan 1841 – Mount Stead cemetery, the first Roman Catholic cemetery in Wellington, in NZ. It began 6 Jan 1841 Bishop Pompallier. Only about 200 headstones survive in the heritage site. (The NZ Genealogist. Sept Oct 2010. 4.35am 4 Sept 2010 Christchurch Earthquake).

1842 – Old colonists jubilee Auckland NZ 1842 –92.

1842 – Thomas Cole was born in Auckland NZ.

1842 – The Parkhurst boys were sent to Auckland from a British jail in 1842. (Convicts NZ. M Wright ©2012).

1842 - 43 - Convicts were sent to New Zealand. On the “St George”, 92 boys arrived in Auckland on 25 October 1842, and the “Mandarin” with 31 boys on 14 November 1843. Boys aged between 12 and 16 were sentenced to prison as convicts.

1842-62 - NZ Jury lists. (NZ genealogist March April 2011).

9 January 1842 – Juliette Daniell was born in Wellington. Her father Edward Daniell was from a large Cornish family with property called Trelissick which was sold. Corwall UK and settlements in New Zealand. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

7 March 1842 – The hanging of Maketu in Auckland. The first person to be executed in NZ. Guilty of murder in November 1841. (NZ crime timeline).

October 1842 – Ship “St George” to Auckland. 92 convicts, boys aged 12 to 19 years from Parkhurst prison on the Isle of Wight in the UK. (Find your family on the internet. Ros Henry a NZ guide no date).

1843 – Aliens naturalised in NZ 1843 – 1916. BAB Microfilming 4 Kathryn ave Auckland. ph: 09-625 9778.

1843 – Newspaper, Daily Southern Cross Auckland 1843-76. Did this newspaper change its name to the NZ Herald?

November 1843 – Parkhurst prison on the Isle of Wight. A second group of 31 convict boys arrived on the “Mandarin”. (Find your family on the internet. Ros Henry a NZ guide. no date).

1844 – Christ's judgement, last days revelation. Judgement in 1844 fulfilment. Daniel 8:14. Its going on now. (Holy bible. King James. CD Stampley ent inc (c)1976 US).

1844 – Spring 1844. Daniel 9. The opening of the books. The 3rd seal. Revelation 6. 1844 is 46 years after 1798. Jesus began his ministry on earth. Passing judgement on the records of the dead. Jesus began going through the books of records. The horn power of Daniel 8 appears after 1844. A stern faced King, a man, antichrist. (Daniel. Larry W Wilson (c)2003 US).

1844-1939 – John Jackson, the second Chinese immigrant arrived in 1844, and went to Palmerston North in 1870. More Chinese arrived in Palmerston North in the mid 1870s. Ex miners from Guangzhou, Canton. In 1939 Chinese refugees moved into NZ. (Heritage NZ. Winter 2012 p13).

Jan 1844 – Tom White was an American whaler who lived in Port Levy, later in Pigeon bay. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe & Tombes ltd).

1845 – H G Longley. The NZ wars 1845-1866 2 vols. Wellington 1967 navy 1972 army.

1845-1875 – More gold was found than in the whole previous 350 years. California in the late 1840’s. Australia in the 1850’s. New Zealand in the 1860’s and 70’s. (Costly gold. JS & RW Murray. Clutha riches and their human toll. Reed publishers).

11 March 1845 – The Flagstaff war. Chief Hone Heke and Kawiti led 700 Maori to chop down the British flagstaff. For the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi grievances. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 11 March 2015).

7 May 1846 – A devastating landslide at Lake Taupo killed about 60 people. (NZ disasters. timeline internet).

1847-48 – Clementina Burns was the wife of Rev Dr Thomas Burns, a pioneer Presbyterian minister and coloniser of Otago. Scotland 1842 “New Edinburgh” as Dunedin was first named sail on the Philip Laing 27 November 1847. The Philip Laing arrived in Port Chalmers on15 April 1848, about three weeks after the arrival of its sister ship the John Wycliffe. In June the Burns family went to live in their half built house in Dunedin, near Princess street at the intersection of Jetty street. Arthur, son, started farming on land his father chose at Andersons bay. (Petticoat pioneers. ©1980 B Harper).

1847-1850 – The first police magistrate used armed police to collect the census info. In 1847 police magistrates were abolished, but the armed police continued going door to door, under the Superintendant of resident magistrates, as late as 1850 it was their beat. (NZ genealogist May June 2011).

1847-1851 Arrived in NZ in 1851 on the “Cornwall” John Mackenzie emigrated to Australia 1845 and 1847 left Australia for NZ. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe & Tombes ltd).

1848 – There was a severe earthquake in Wellington. Otago settlement founded. (Tracing family history in NZ. Anne Bromell ©1996).

1848 – Presbyterian minister, Biography first church of Otago 1848-1920 archives (Find your family on the internet. Ros Henry).

1848 – In NZ the registration of UK births and deaths began in 1848. Marriages are registered for 1854 onwards. Before these dates, vital events were recorded in parish registers. (Oxford guide to family history. David Hey ©1993).

1848 – Samuel Finch was born in Milton Otago New Zealand.

1848-49 – In Dunedin and Christchurch the new settlers stayed in special barracks, until they were ready to build their own houses. 1849 Dunedin making damper bread. Landing of the first Otago immigrants in 1848. (The story of NZ. Bassett Sinclair Stenson ©1985).

1848-53 – Christchurch began in 1848. On 1 Sept 1850 the first emigrants, the Canterbury pilgrims arrived. Three days later four ships with 800 passengers left Gravesend for NZ, Lyttelton in December. By the first year of Christchurch, 19 ships and 3,000 immigrants arrived in Lyttelton. James Edward Fitzgerald was the migration agent for the Canterbury association in London. He founded the Press newspaper and was the first Superintendant in July 1853. (History Today. May 2014 UK).

1848-1855 – Earthquakes in 1848 and 1855 destroyed the Fort and only the foundations remain. The Fort was built by troops from Sydney during the Hutt war. Plimmerton area. Fort Paremata or Taupo Pa. (NZ Memories. Feb March 2014).

1848 & 1855 – Two earthquakes in Wellington 1848 and 1855. (Colonial capital Wellington 1865-1910 Terence Hodgson ©1990).

1848-1859 – Settlement of Otago began in 1848. Arrival of the John Wyckliffe and the Phillip Laing. Dunedin was by 1859 a town of 2,262 inhabitants. (NZ a short history. Laurie Barber ©1989).

1848-1898 – NZ in 1848 the colonial office began to collect details of births, deaths and marriage registration. ACT 1854 established a registry of marriages. Divorce in NZ began in 1867. The 1898 NZ six pence stamp with a kiwi. (Family tree. Dec 2009 p19-20).

Jan 1848 – Emily McNamara was born in Liverpool, she went to NZ on the “Clifton” in Jan 1848, with her parents, John McNamara, a Fencible and his wife Mary (nee Drayton) retired soldiers from the UK.

June 1848 – The chiefs and people of the Ngai Tahu met at Akaroa and sold lands, to the NZ company, from Kaiapoi to Port Chalmers. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd).

17 June 1848 – Joseph Burns was hanged on the site of the murders. The first pakeha convicted of murder in NZ. (Law breakers mischief. ©2009 Bronwyn Sell).

17 June 1848 – The hanging of Joseph Burns, Devonport Auckland. The first European to be hanged in NZ under British law. He was convicted of murder. (NZ crime timeline).

October 1848 – The earthquakes of October 1848. The first quake was big and caused much damage in Wellington. Many brick buildings were damaged and half of the chimneys fell down. The Wesleyan chapel, the jail and other public buildings were badly damaged. Frightening aftershocks. Then on 17 October 1848 there was another sharp quake. The Wellington Independent described it, several buildings fell down and two children were killed by falling bricks. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching)

1849 – “Ajax” London UK to Otago NZ ship.

1850s and 1860s – Jessie Finnie was one of a large number of, sex slaves, in Auckland NZ. Constable Thomas Powley of Auckalnd province. armed police, was a regular visitor at the brothels. Most of the Auckland brothels were in Chancery st. Early sex slavery in NZ. (A peoples history. ©1992 p71 & 72 NZ).

1850 – Christchurch was founded.

1850s – Pioneer days when many homes had patchwork bedcovers. Women were thrifty and saved old clothing fabrics. Candles and lamps were used at night. Sewing and mending clothes and bedcovers. Sewing was part of a woman’s daily work. (Patchwork. Lauri Tapsell ©1979 NZ).

1850-1867 – By the late 1850’s there were 1.5 million sheep in New Zealand, with most in Canterbury and Hawkes Bay. Wool was central to New Zealand’s economy. By 1867 sheep numbers grew to 8.5 million, mainly in the South Island. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

1850-1900 – Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd., Old pioneers early history of Canterbury.

16 Dec 1850 – The ships the Charlotte Jane and Radolph brought the first Canterbury settlers to Lyttelton Christchurch. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 16 Dec 2015).

1851 – Clues about family history in old newspapers. The earliest census was taken in NZ in 1851. (Find your family on the internet. Ros Henry. p39 no date).

1851 – Some headstones date back 150 years. Established in 1851 the Barbadoes st cemetery was the first in Christchurch, it was severely damaged in the 2011 earthquakes. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

1851 – 1900 – Otago death records from early newspapers CD (Trade me $20).

1851 – 1900 – Canterbury death records from early newspapers CD Colonial books (Trade me $20).

11 Jan 1851 – The first issue of the Lyttelton Times was on a Saturday. (Canterbury old and new 1850-1900. Whitcombe & Tombs ltd).

1852 – Canterbury, a few sheep in the settlement. Sheep, cattle and horses were being brought from Australia, imported by Charles Sidey. Also stock brought by Sefton Moorhouse. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcombe abd Tombs ltd.).

1852 – 1923 – Passenger lists Victoria Australia outwards to NZ. Gold miners moving. a CD, ISBN 9781877217517 (Trade me $30).

1853 – James George Deck, his wife and 8 surviving children arrived on the “Cornwall” in Wellington . (A peoples history. ©1992 p58 NZ).

Sept 1853 – Elections for Christchurch provincial council. Christchurch, until the earthquake of 2011. (History Today. May 2014 UK).

1855 – Wairarapa 8.2 quake. NZs most powerful recorded quake in which about nine people died. (NZ newswire Te Ara).

1855 – Malay mail online Malaysia. 6 Jan 2015 AFP. Wellington NZ most powerful quake 8.2 quake. Four people died. It pushed the shoreline up 650 feet and the harbour floor up.

1855 – Highway to the Hutt valley, the 1855 earthquake pushed up the shoreline by about a metre, making more land available for a road. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

23 January 1855 – Wairarapa earthquake. The 8.2 quake struck the lower north island and killed between 5 to 9 people and altered the Wellington region. (NZ disasters timeline internet).

23 Jan 1855 – The most powerful earthquake recorded in NZ. Altered the geographical landscape of Wellington 8.2 (On this day in NZ. Ron Palenski ©2010).

23 Jan 1855 – Wellington an 8 earthquake. 4 people died. USGS historic world earthquakes.

March 1855 – James Mackenzie shepherd, drover, sheepstealer by Cathy Marr. Mackenzie emigrated to Australia in about 1849. North of Timaru in March 1855. Lyttelton Times 12 May 1855. (A peoples history. ©1992 NZ)

March 1855 – About six weeks before this, there was a large earthquake in Wellington. Windows broken, chimneys fell down, plaster peels from the walls and furniture flying all over the place. Shock after shock continued. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

4 March 1855 – James Mackenzie was found with 1,000 sheep stolen from south Canterbury. Mackenzie country named after him. (NZ crime timeline).

4 March 1855 – Sheep rustler James Mackenzie caught in a pass, in the upper Waitaki river basin, with 1,000 sheep missing from the Levels station, north of Timaru. (Today in history. Chch Star NZ. 4 March 2015).

1856 – Auckland Almanack and directory W Lambert. Auckland public library POBox 4138 Auckland NZ.

1856 – Archives NZ. Christchurch was chartered as a city in 1856, the first city in NZ. NZ history.

1856 – William Wilson, Christchurch first mayor. Got married in 1856 to Elizabeth Williams 17 years younger than him, age 20. They had 14 children. He beat her up and was charged with assault. (Chch Mail. Anna Price. 4 Feb 2016).

1856-1862 – Martin Cash was a convict, policeman and brothel keeper. He moved to New Zealand from Hobart Australia in 1856. In 1860 Cash was in Christchurch as a constable in the Canterbury province armed police force, which he joined in 1859. His main line of work was brothel keeping. (He was a pimp), His identity and activities were eventually investigated. In March 1860 Cash was sacked and fined for keeping a brothel. Many others like him moved to NZ after the decline of the Australian goldfields. Cash returned to NZ by December 1862. He continued to operate several brothels in Christchurch, red light districts and Salisbury street, including the Red house. He moved to Otago gold fields then returned to Christchurch. (p35 A peoples history. ©1992 NZ).

1857 – Prince Edward Islanders on the “Gertrude” to NZ. (Australian family tree. September 2010)

1857-1860 – Thomas Hammond’s parents and siblings left Clee Hill in Shropshire UK to migrate to NZ arriving in 1857. Dinah Hammond was born 1838 while in NZ, married James Galbritte children Alice, Lavina, Patty, John and James. During the latter part of the 19th century they returned to the UK. Galbraith in 1860. In the UK in 1881 census. Islington and London from the early 20th century in Surrey. (Practical family history. July 2003 p20).

1857-1863 – For the four years 1857-60 the total gold exported from NZ was nearly 36,000 ounces. In 1861 alone 400,000 ounces. In 1863 625,000 ounces. Most came from the Clutha areas. Gold quantities were expressed in troy ounces. One troy ounce is equal to 31.1035 grams. (Costly gold. JS RW Murray Clutha riches and their human toll).

1857-1898 – On 15 April 1857 the “Maori” laid anchor outside Otago heads. Uncle Donald Borrie’s farm. John the oldest son went to work at James Macandrew’s store in Dunedin. As the news of gold spread, Dunedin began to boom including Macandrew’s store. The port became packed with shipping, and the customs officer was overworked. So John Borrie left the store to join the customs staff. The influx of gold speculators meant the need for more productive farms. On Sunday Janet Borrie attended church, Rev W Gillies was the minister. Janet died in 1898 and was buried in the west Taieri cemetery bedside her husband near the church. (Petticoat pioneers. B Harper ©1980).

1857-1957 – Old historical records The Cromwell Argus weekly from 1869-1947. In the century between 1857 and 1957 NZ exported gold valued at nearly 120 million pounds, most gold was in the Clutha area. (Costly gold. JS RW Murray 1978 Clutha riches and their human tol.l ISBN 0-589-01132-4).

1858-1958 – From distant villages, the lives and times of Croatian settlers in NZ 1858-1958 by Stephen A Jelicich. (NZ society of genealogists inc. Nov-Dec 2011 p253).

1858-1980 – NZ Maori land claims. (NZ genealogist March April 2011).

7 May 1858 – Sarah Jane Finch was born in Milton Otago.

1859 – “Cheviot” From Glasgow Scotland to Port Chalmers Otago, ship.

1859 – The “Strathallah” in 1859 in south Canterbury. The “Lancashire witch” the “Victory” and the “Tiptree” and other ships, each with many immigrants. Those on the “Tiptree” were mostly Cornishmen from Cornwall or from the south of England. Flour was imported from Adelaide Australia. (Canterbury old and new. Whitcombe and Tombs ltd).

1860’s – Iwi receive multimillion dollars settlement, by Rebecca Quilliam 17 December 2012. NZ Herald APMZ. Maori wars of 1860’s.

1860 – Martin Cash in Christchurch, was a constable in the Canterbury province armed police force, which he joined in 1859. His main line of work was brothel keeping. His identity and activities were ‘eventually’ investigated. In March 1860 Cash was sacked and fined for keeping a brothel. Many others like him moved to NZ after the decline of the Australian goldfields. (p35 A people history. ©1992 NZ).

1860s – Gold rush of the 1860s with immigrants from Australia and California in the US. 2,000 Chinese moved from the Pearl Delta region of Guangdong province. The Chinese often stayed on as laundrymen and fruiterers. Market gardeners, hawking fruit and veges from door to door. (Chch crime and scandals. Geoffrey W Rice ©2013).

1860-61 – Taranaki records 1860 Taranaki Herald 21 July 1860. 19 May 1860 sent to Nelson. Taranaki war 28 June 1861. 174 Maoris were killed and 14 settlers killed. (NZ genealogist March April 2011).

1860-1862 – The Dunedin’s synagogue was built in the 1860s for Dunedin’s Jewish congregation. The story of the world’s southernmost synagogue began in 1862. Discovery of gold in Otago the previous year, with an increase in Jewish numbers. Among the early congregation was Julius Vogel. (Heritage NZ. Winter 2012 p7).

1860-1900 – Otago marriage records from early newspapers. Otago and Southland CD Colonial books Trade me.

1861 – Melbourne to Port Chalmers Otago the“Oscar”. Also Glasgow to Port Chalmers Otago the “Lady Egidia”.

1861-1911- Berge Picalmot left Italy in 1855 and arrived in NZ in 1861. In Greymouth 1865. In 1874 he was appointed Italian consul until his death in 1911. (Alan Poletti).

4 Oct 1861 – Charles C Cole moved to Dunedin on 4 Oct 1861. Coach company Cobb and co, Cole and co. The Otago gold rush was on. Hundreds of miners supplies needed to be transported into central Otago. (NZ Memories June July 2014).

1862 – Old NZ pics. City road Auckland. photo. (Twitter 1 March 2015).

1862-1863 – Gold strike on the Arrow river 1862. The first gold discovered was attributed to Jack Tewa (Maori Jack) Otago. Chinese miners and a speech by Madam Xiutian Tan, Chinese Consul General. The gold escort left Arrow township on 18 Jan 1863 with 12,000 ounces of gold. Subsequent escorts carried over 20,000 ounces. During the winter of 1863, 2,000 miners in Arrow district sent 6,000 ounces of gold a month. One ounce of gold was worth 3 pounds 15 shillings in the 1860s. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2012 2013).

Sept 1862 – Emigrant ship the “Pladda” New Zealand from Ireland. 193 girls were on the ship. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2014).

December 1862 – Martin Cash retuned to NZ by December 1862. He continued to operate several brothels in Christchurch, red light districts and Salisbury street Red house. He moved to the Otago gold fields then returned to Christchurch. (p35 A people history. ©1992 NZ).

1863 – A first year in Canterbury settlement by Samuel Butler London Trade me $188.

1863 – Meeting of settlers and Maori at Hawkes bay. 1863_Meeting_of_Settlers_and_Maoris_at_Hawke's_Bay,_New_Zealand_large.png

1863 – Otago Dunedin Gold rush, miners from Melbourne and mounted police from Melbourne arrived. Illegitimate children. Villians were now at the goldfields in Otago. Agents in Otago arranged for young single women from Ireland to be sent here as sex slaves. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2012 2013).

March 1863 – Mr A Raper. City of Hobart – Otago NZ. (Public records office Victoria Australia). (15 July 2013).

13 April 1863 – Official details of the loss of the HMS Orpheus in NZ, list of survivors. Chares Hill. The Observor 1791-1900 London UK.

21 Nov 1863 – Maori Battle of Rangiriri, casualties were among the worst of the NZ wars. 132 British and 70 Maori were killed or wounded. 280 casualties. (Chch Star 21 Nov 2014. Today in history.)

1864 – Widespread financial crisis NZ. (A peoples history. ©1992 NZ)

1864 – 1964 – NZ National mortgage and agency co 100 years by G Parry 1st ed 1964 Trade me $5.

26 Aug 1864 – The NZ war. The Manchester Guardian 1828-1900 UK.

17 Oct 1864 – The war in NZ. The Irish Times. Daily Advertiser. Dublin Ireland.

5 December 1864 – Samuel Finch and Elizabeth Strain were married in Milton Otago..

1865 – The Maori land courts were formed to determine the ownership of Maori land.. (Family tree. Dec 2009 p20).

1865 – 1954 - NZ electoral rolls.

1865 – Newspaper, Evening Post Wellington.

19 Jan 1865 – Otago Princess st. James Pryo.r Clovers, ryegress and lucerne. Bruce Herald p12. Papers past.

4 May 1865 – Agricultural and garden seeds. Otago seeds. Princess st south near Jetty st Dunedin. James Pryor and co, seeds, clovers, ryegrass and lucerne. Bruce Herald. P12. Papers past.

20 May 1865 – The city of Dunedin paddle steamer boat left ellington for Nelson. Then to Hokitika. It disappeared and no trace was founbd James Parker Boyd and 24 crew, 22 passengers. Wreckage was later found wahed up on the south coast. Mystery sinking. NZ disaster timeline. Papers past 13 June 1865.

Sept 1865 – Otago’s first hanging. William Jarvey from Dunedin prison. (NZ genealogist. March April 2012 p94).

1866 – Directory of the city and suburbs of Auckland 1866-67 Mitchell and Seffern.

1866 – Chinese first arrived in 1866 mainly from Pon Yu regioin of southern China headed for the Otago goldfields. (Th NZ Gnealogist p212 Sept Oct 2010).

1867 – William Wilson Christchurch first mayor. He became Christchurch mayor in 1867. (Chch Mail. 4 Feb 2016. Anna Price).

7 Jan 1867 – The first recorded murder in the region was Military settler Alfred J Campbell Oropi who died of a gunshot wound. (Tauranga murders in history. 23 Sept 2014 Sun Live).

12 June 1867 – The Mongonui murder. Wanganui Herald.

13 June 1867 – The murder of Mr Burke. Wanganui Herald.

20 June 1867 – Death. Wanganui Herald.

30 June 1867 – Abraham Bennett White, a settler in the Bay of Plenty, was murdered at Ohiwa river. The head of Mr White was found in a sandhill near the Ohiwa, his body was never found. (NZ genealogist Jan Feb 2009) (Nelson Examiner and NZ Chronicle 20 July 1867).

July 1867 – Canterbury had a large snow storm which lasted six days. Half a million sheep were killed. Provisions got very low. Storm damage. (Trackless sea. ©2008 Megan Hutching).

2 July 1867 – The earthquake at Mytelene. Wanganui Herald.

3 Aug 1867 – Reported murder of four Europeans and four Maoris. Wanganui Herald.

21 Aug 1867 – The murderers of Mr Burke. Wanganui Herald.

21 Aug 1867 – Death. Wanganui Herald.

1868 – 150 years ago Lyttelton and a 7m wall of water, the tsunami waves smashed ships in the harbour against the wharf. A man in the chatham islands was killed in the tsunami. The tsunami was caused by a 9 earthquake off Chile, which killed thousands of people. Since 1840 about 10 tsunamis larger than 5m have hit NZ. (Chch Star NZ. 25 Sept 2015. Gabrielle Stuart).

1868 – natlib NZ govt journals homocide. The death of Frederick Rasmus Kornerup. NZ Genealogy. Bryan Bang. A Danish migrant who was murdered in 1868.

1868 – The Christchurch Star newspaper has been an integral part of Christchurch since 1868. (Chch Star NZ. 25 Feb 2016 Editors desk).

1868 – Canterbury provincial roll 1868-69, 1870-71, 1972-73, 1873-74. BAB Microfilming.

1869 – 1873 – Tower NZ formed in 1869, as the Government life insurance office, department. Tower corp in 1987. In 1989 Tower brought National insurance company of NZ, head office in Dunedin Otago. Formed in 1873. (Wikipedia. Tower).

7 Sept 1869 – NZ and the colonial office. The Manchester Guardian 1828-1900 UK.

1870 – Eruption occurred near Green lake Kermadec islands. Teara govt nz video 2006 eruptions.

1870’s – Chinese immigrants arrived in Palmerston North in the mid 1870’s. Ex miners from Guangzhou (Canton), who went to the Otago goldfields. (NZ Heritage. winter 2012)

1870-1878 – Cardrona was at its peak in the 1870s, the residents were mainly Chinese miners, about 1,000 people, seven stores, a post office, a bank, a school, a jail and a police HQ, 4 butchers, a baker and a blacksmith. By 1878 Cardrona had a population of only 200. (Heritage NZ. Winter 2012 p7).

1870-1977 – Martin Cash autobiography by James Lester Burke published in 1870 The adventures of Martin Cash. He died on 27 august 1877 in Tasmania Australia. (p35 A people history. ©1992 NZ).

1870-1880 – In the 1870s and 1880s the appearance of Russian explorers in the south Pacific and Antarctica waters brought fear of the Russian raids on NZ ports. (NZ a short history. Laurie Barber ©1989).

27 March 1871 – Oreti beach a 150 year old shipwreck. May be from the Hindu. Ran aground on a Southland beach near Invercargill. Oreti beach. On 27 March 1871. The Hindu from Fuzhou, then called Foochow China to Dunedin with a cargo of tea. 15 Jan 2016.

28 September 1871 – Wilfred von Sturmer was born in Auckland.

1872 – Wises NZ Directory NZ Post office 1872, 1880, 1900, 1955.

1872-1873 – Newspaper, Standard and peoples Advocate Gisbourne.

1873 – Susan Love Noone was born in Alexandra Otago.

1873 – Chapmans Auckland directory for 1873 and 1874.

19 April 1873 – Elizabeth Catherine Finch was born in Dunedin Otago.

24 Nov 1873 – Consecration of the Masonic hall Timaru. Press NZ. Papers past.

1874 – Melbourne to Otago the “Alhambra”. Also London to Port Chalmers the “Christian McAusland”. Photo. Also Gravesend to Port Chalmers the “Sussex”.

1874-75 – Greenock to Otago the “Wild Deer”.

1874-1895 – In 1895 the Bank of NZ bought the Colonial BNZ, which was founded in Dunedin in 1874. The BNZ archives hold the Colonial BNZ staff registers, but it is incomplete. Many were from Scotland. (NZ genealogist March April 2012).

1874-1968 – Italian migration and settlement in New Zealand. J H Burnley. 30 July 2009.

8 Aug 1874 – The “Adamant” ship arrived in Nelson from Plymouth UK. The trip took 93 days. There were nine voyages of the “Adamant” altogether. (NZ genealogist Jan Feb 2009).

7 January 1875 – Agnes Finch was born in Milburn Otago

4 October 1875 – Thomas Pryor was born in Dunedin Otago.

1876 – St Vincent de Paul industrial school Dunedin. NZ Christian brothers Catholic in NZ since 1876.

1876 – Christchurch in 1876, had a population of about 30,000. (Chch crimes scandals. Geoffrey W Rice (c)2013).

2 April 1876 – Leaders of the first NZ Catholic Christian brothers, br Dunne, Healey and McMahon arrived in Port Chalmers on the “Arawata”. Christian brothers school in Dunedin 1876 to 1886.

1877 – There were 53 Italians in Okura in 1877. (Alan Poletti).

1877 – Charles Kenneth Cotton was born Lyttelton Christchurch. Boer war and World War One. Married Ethel Kate Bromley. NSW Australia info wanted. (Chch Star NZ. 18 March 2015. public notices).

15 Sept 1877 – (papers past) Otago Witness p13. James Pryor calender of gardening for Otago. Rye grass, clovers, lawn grasss and seeds. Fruiterer George st Dunedin.

16 September 1877 – Lucille Evelyne Finch was born in Dunedin Otago.

29 Sept 1877 – (papers past) Otago Witnesss . James Pryor calendar of garden operation for Otago. Seeds.

1878 – Liverpool to Port Chalmers the “Invercargill” diary.

1878 – Turtons land deeds of the North Island pre 1878. Alexander Turnbull library POBox 12-349 Wellington NZ.

1878 – William Wilson, became Christchurch first mayor in 1867. He stood for Christchurch council a second time in 1878. (Chch Mail. 4 Feb 2016. Anna Price).

1878-1879 – Records, Maori prisoners were arrested by the Crown during the 1878 South Taranaki resistance at Waimate and Parihaka, archives NZ records are limited. 1878 the first arrests by armed police on 30 June 1879. July 1879, 180 arrests were made. 40 of them were given two months jail, sent to Wellington. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

5 February 1878 – Sarah Jane Finch was married in Milton Otago.

7 Feb 1878 – A 42 year old Chinese hawker, Yan Quam Quam Yan aka Quam Yam was arrested and accused of raping a ten year old girl in Opawa, Alice Maud. He spoke very little English and needed an interpretor. He pleased not guilty. (Chch crimes and scandals. Geoffrey W Rice ©2013).

1 April 1878 – Quam Yan appeared in court, accused of the rape of a 10 year old girl, he pleaded not guilty. No lawyer. (Chch and scandals Geoffrey W Rice ©2013).

24 Sept 1878 – (papers past) Westport Times. Suez mail. James Pryor, colonel Mahon MP for Clare. Lombard depot bank forgery, minute books and bank defrauded..

30 Sept 1878 – Great flood hit the South island. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 30 Sept 2015).

1879 – Long lost relatives Timaru Rootsweb. John Thomas Webber went from Plymouth UK to NZ in 1875. He was last heard of in Timaru Canterbury in 1879.

1879 – The Prison department correspondence to native department in 1879. About the arrest of Maori prisoners. This file no longer exists, it was destroyed in the Hope Gibbons fire of 1952, which burnt the records of seven government departments. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

1879 – Bankruptcy files Barclay. William Pryor.Deed of assignment. Archives NZ. Archway records. (R23213287) Open access.

1879-1880 – Taranaki maori arrested in 1878 were moved to Mt Cook barracks in Wellington, where prisoners were first sent 10 July 1879. James Mackay inspected the 600 Maori prisoners, who arrived by 9 July 1879. By 29 Oct 1879 there were 131 Maori prisoners at Mt Cook jail. One prisoner, Tami Raiha could not be sent to another prison and he died on 7 April 1880. On 22 July 1990 Watene Tupuhi died in Dunedin jail of consumption, 25 years old. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

27 May 1879 – Ada Lillian Finch was born in Dunedin Otago.

19 June 1879 – Great fire in Wellington. Colonist NZ. Papers past.

26 Sept 1879 – Opium smoking. NZ Tablet. Papers Past.

1880 – On 23 Sept 1880 Pirerangi died in Dunedin jail of consumption. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

1880 – Italians were living in Westland NZ in 1880. Italian census NZ by Alan Poletti ancestors and archives.

1880-1928 – Deceased estates under public trust in NZ. Trade me $5 1931-1950 CD Colonial books 1929 and 1930 and missing.

1880 – 1950 – Italians in NZ Wellington area 1940s and 50s. The came from Stromboli offshore from Naples, or a town off Massaburense, they started arriving from the 1880s. (NZ Memories. Feb March 2014).

23 January 1880 – Amelia Rosetta Williams was born in Auckland

26 July 1880 – (papers past) Southland Times p3. Wanted weekly about 150 pair good rabbits. James Pryor 193 George st Dunedin.

1881 – Archives NZ. 1881 Chinese immigrants Act by NZ Parliament. NZ history.

1881 – The first Chinese gold miners arrived in NZ in 1866 and 3 years later there were more than 2,000 immigrants, mainly from Guangzhou China. By 1881 there were about 5,000 Chinese in NZ. Mr Sew Hoy in 1883. (Maritime executive 19 Nov 2014).

1881-1882 – Trustee Executors was established in 1881. Will and Trust Deeds, Otago. Private Act of Parliament. Statutory Trust Company in 1882. In the 1970s Tower, in 1988 and 1999. Mid 2003 Trustee executors name again. (Website).

22 Jan 1881 – (papers past) ODT magistrates court. James Pryor versus James Denton. .

29 Jan 1881 – An English lady is murdered in NZ. Weekly Irish Times 1876-1920 Dublin Ireland.

1 March 1881 – William John Finch was born in Dunedin Otago.

May June 1881 – 24 May 1881 several severe shocks of earthquake. 26 June 1881 Earthquake most prolonged felt. (NZ Memories June July 2014 p56).

5 Dec 1881 – Very severe shocks of earthquake. (NZ genealogist March April 2011).

12 Dec 1881 – (papers past) Otago Witness. James Pryor cash purchase of provincial grown fruit. 62 Princes and 193 george st Dunedin.Turkey’s for christmas, one shilling per pound if delivered before 21 Dec 1881. Pryor 62 Princess and 193 George st Dunedin.

1882 – Auckland city and suburban directory Ingram and Gardner.

1882 – NZ property tax department a return of the freeholders of NZ Government printer Wellington.

1883-4 – Auckland city suburban and provincial directory Ingram and Gardner.

11 Aug 1883 – (papers past) Otago Witness p16. White flint corn. James Pryor puchased the crop of Mr Cormack, St Andrews corn. 62 Princess st 193 George st Dunedin.

9 Jan 1884 – (papers past) Daily Telegraph p2. Death at the Hawkes bay hospital Napier. On 9 Jan 1884 James Pryor of Napier aged 74 fractured his neck, of the thigh bone on 10 Dec 1883.

1 May 1884 – Murder suicide rape. Poverty Bay Herald.

1885 – The earthquake of 1885, in which people died. (NZ Memories June July 2013.

1886 – Sir Hepi’s great grandfather in 1886. Apparently gave the central mountains of the north island to the crown?. (The Bolger years. Margaret Clark ©2008 NZ).

1886 – Stone’s Dunedin and Invercargill directory.

1886 – The defenders of NZ TW Gudgeon Brett.

1886 – Kevin Ryan’s grandfather was the engineer on the ship the “penguin” which hurried to the nearest port of Tauranga when mount Tarewa erupted. (Justice. Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ).

1886-1917 – RS Hill. The iron hand in the velvet glove. The modernisation of policing in NZ. Palmerston North 1995. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldred Grigg ©2010 NZ).

1886-1986 – Wanganui police history. Charles E Spicer Trade me $24.

10 June 1886 – The great Tarawera eruption left 153 people dead and damaged homes. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2014).

10 June 1886 – Mount Tarawera in the Bay of Plenty, a noisy eruption. (Spies revolutionaries (c)2007 Graeme John Hunt NZ).

19 June 1886 – The eruption of Lake Tarewera, Ta Wairoa. 31 May 1886 the eruption of mount Tarawera and on 10 June 1886 Mount Trawera burst into life. The volcano erupted with a force so large that the number of those killed will never be known, officially 153 dead. (NZ mysteries. Nicola McCloy. ©2005 NZ).

1887 – Giant squid. In 1887 scientists documented a giant squid found in New Zealand. 55 feet. (Washington Post AP Lindsay Bever 15 May 2005).

1888 – Alpine fault and northern Canterbuiry. 7.3 earthquake.

1888-1915 – Coroners inquest records NZ 1888 to 1915. Archives NZ in Wellingon. The Cause of death and surname. (The NZ Genealogist. May June 2009).

23 May 1888 – William Pope missing. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers past.

31 Aug 1888 – A rabbiter missing. Auckland Star.

1889 – Cleaves Auckland city and suburban directory 1889, 1890, 1891 until 1923.

1889 – Italian immigrant Louis Chemis was convicted for the murder of a rich landowner, Thomas Hawkins of Kaiwharawhare Wellington. (NZ Genealogist. March April 2010).

1889 – Chinese in Nelson. The first ‘naturalised’ Chinese in NZ. A house was built by Wong Ah Poo Hoc Ting, aka Appo Hocton. (NZ Memories. Feb March 2014).

17 Aug 1889 – NZ at present, Canterbury and Christchurch. Weekly Irish Times 1876-1920 Dublin Ireland.

1890 – Maori skulls in macabre collection to be brought back to New Zealand. 800 human skulls in Sweden at the Karolinska institute in Solna north of Stockholm Sweden. Maori skulls in 1890 from a zoologist Conrad Fisredt were used for scientific racism. (Bernard Orsman NZ Herald APNZ. ODT 27 Jan 2015).

1890-1892 – In Jan 1890 Arthur Bentley Worthington, his wife Mary and children arrived in Christchurch from the US. A sect called the students of truth. 400 Christchurch members. 1892 the temple of truth in Latimer square Christchurch. (NZ mysteries. Nicole McCloy ©2005 NZ).

1890s – 1900s – William Pryor was born 3 June 1867 in Dunedin. Dominion organiser of the NZ employers association in the 1890s and 1900s. Industrial disputes around NZ, and ran for parliament in 1905. He died 56 years old on 26 Feb 1922.

1890s – American fraudster Arthur Bently Worthington and his Temple of Truth in Latimer square Christchurch. He later went to Australia. (Chch crimes scandals. Geoffrey W Rice ©2013).

5 March 1890 – David Nicol died in Dunedin NZ

8 April 1890 – Supposed murder of a tourist. Ashburton Guardian.

22 April 1890 – A painter missing. Auckland star.

15 Sept 1890 – (papers past) Colonist p3. Fatal accident at Collingwood. James Pryor was killed in the Johnston united mine by a fall of earth.

16 Sept 1890 – (papers past) Nelson Evening Mail p2. Johnstons united mine. James Pryor was accidently killed in the Johnston united mine. Fired a shot, the face of the stope, a slab of rock fell from the roof onto his head. He had been working in the mine for 8 years. Inquest.

7 Sept 1891 – Importation of opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

17 Sept 1891 – A missing rabbiter. Bush Advocate.

18 Sept 1891 – Search abandoned. The Star, John Gray missing farmer from Waikoikoi.

1 Dec 1891 –Papers past Auckland Star p6. Masonic news. Bro James Pryor IG Ponsonby.

2 Dec 1891 – Papers past. NZ Herald. Ponsonby Masonic meeting, annual meeting James Pryor IG.

2 Dec 1891 – Papers past. Auckland Star. Masonic news. Grand lodge EC Masonic lodge Ponsonby hall. Bro James Pryor IG.

1892 – George William was found dead in the bush while on a visit to his sister Susannah. (NZ genealogist. Jan Feb 2009).

1892 – Grace Emma Munro, 30 years old was killed by her husband. (Tauranga murders in history. 23 Sept 2014 Sun Live).

12 Feb 1892 – Mysterious murder. Auckland Star.

23 March 1892 – James Pryor and Emily Jane Cole were married in Ponsonby Auckland.

30 April 1892 – (papers past) ODT Meeting of creditors. Re JJ Pryor, estate of James John Pryor, fruiterer NZ bancruptcy and estate.

1 Dec 1892 – (papers past) Auckland Star p8. Births. Pryor on 18 Oct 1892 Dedwood tce Ponsonby, wife of James Pryor a son born.

1893 – The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1893. It was rewritten in the 1990s. (The Bolger years. Margaret Clark ©2008 NZ).

1893 – NZ became the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. Newstalk ZB 120th anniversary womens sufferage.

1893-1904 – NZ bankruptcy notices CD PDF file Trade me.

30 Oct 1893 – A wealthy young man meets a mysterious death. Thames Star.

27 Nov 1893 – Smuggling opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

13 June 1894 – (papers past) The Press Chch p6. Passenger southern express for Christchurch. Messrs James Pryor.

14 June 1894 – (papers past) ODT p1. Trains from Dunedin for the north. Mr James Pryor overland passenger.

17 September 1894 – Raper. Sydney to NZ. (NZ immigration passenger list 1855-1973) (14 July 2013).

26 October 1894 – 1 November 1894 Raper.

1 November 1894 – Raper. Sydney NZ. Born 1849 British female aged 45. Ship “Tasmania” (14 July 2013).

5 November 1894 – Raper. Lyttelton NZ (NZ immigration passenger list 1855-1973).

8 Feb 1895 – (papers past) Evening Post p2. Ignoring the half holiday. James Pryor fruiterer, seeds, vegeatables and plants. Convicted and fined with costs.

8 Feb 1895 – (papers past) Auckland Star p3. Police court. James Pryor fruiterer and seedsman was charged with failing to close his shop. Fined 5 shillings and costs.

8 Feb 1895 – (papers past) Marlborough Express p2. The weekly half holiday. Dunedin police court. James Pryor fruiterer and seedsman charged with failinhg to close his shop. He sold seeds on that day. Fined one shiling and costs 7 shilingsa 6d.

8 Feb 1895 – (papers past) The Press Chch p6. The half holiday Dunedin. 7 Feb 1895 police court. James Pryor failure to close his shop. Fined 1s and costs 17s 6s. Wellington 7 Feb 1895 the Labour dept also prosecuted 20 Chinese fpr not closing in the afternoon.

9 Feb 1895 – (papers past) Nelsom Evening Mail p3. The half holiday. James Pryor fruiterer and seedsman was charged with failing to close his shop. He sold seeds on that day. Combined trade of seedsman and fruiterer. He was fined a shilling and costs.

9 Feb 1895 – (papers past) Ignoring the half holiday. Wairarapa Daily Times p3. Dunedin fruiterer and seeds, vegetables and plants. James Pryor was convicted and fined with costs.Two Chinamen were also fined under the Act.

20 July 1895 – Archives NZ. Archway records. (R20803341) Eric Nicol Pryor WW1 army. Restricted acess. Newspaper reporter before enlistment. Born 20 July 1895 in Auckland. His parents were James Pryor and Emily Jane Pryor (nee Cole).

6 Aug 1895 – Chinese opium dens. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

6 Aug 1895 – Chinese opium dens. Press. Papers Past.

6 Aug 1895 – Chinese opium dens. Papers Past.

2 August 1895 – Minnie Dean was a baby farmer, she was found guilty of murder and hanged at Invercargil prison on 12 august 1895. The only women executed in NZ. Southland Times reports. (Law breakers mischief. ©2009 Bronwyn Sell).

1896-97 – Dunedin. The sisters of mercy of Aotearoa NZ. Michael Verdon took over in Dunedin, the second Catholic bishop in 1896.

1896-1920 – The hawkers prevention bill of 1896. The immigration restriction ACT of 1899. The immigration restriction amendment ACT of 1920. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1896 – Agnes Finch married Joseph Robinson in Milburn Otago

1896 – A Census measured the population at about 743,214 (Timeline NZ internet).

19 March 1896 – Shocking murder. Evening Post.

27 April 1896 – A shocking murder. Feilding Star.

27 April 1896 – Brutal murder. Hawera Normanby Star.

10 June 1896 – Earthquakes at Napier, a series of violent quakes. Marlborough express p2 vol xxxi issue 132.

15 Dec 1896 – Another man missing. Marlborough Express.

29 Dec 1896 – (papers past) Auckland Star p8. Births. At her home in Northcate, the wife of James Pryor, a daughter was born.

1897 – Cyclopedia of NZ vols 1-6 Christchurch NZ .

1897-1898 – Principle of the Christian brothers school in Dunedin br Bodkin. Catholic.

1897 – William Wilson Christchurch first mayor died in 1897 bankrupt. (Chch Mail. 4 Feb 2016. Anna Price).

1897-1968 – Economist Dr Bill Sutch and Rhodes scholar Ian Milner. Both Communist,s but not members of the Communist party. Dr Bill Airey taught history at university. One of his students was Des Costello aka Paddy Costello. The NZ peace council was another Comunist front group. (Spies and revolutionaries. Graeme John Hunt. (c)2007 NZ).

4 June 1897 – Interprovincial. The Star. James Cook, tailor, south Dunedin missing since saturday. His coat sand hat were found on the beach.

5 August 1897 – Frederick John von Sturmer died in Hamilton Waikato.

2 Dec 1897 – Rewi Alley's birthday. Communist New Zealander. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 2 Dec 2015).

27 Aug 1898 – NZ rabbit exportation. Weekly Irish Times Dublin Ireland.

12 Oct 1898 – William Larnach walked into a parliament committee room in Wellington and shot himself dead. Its now the Parliament house library. (NZ mysteries. Nicola McCloy. ©2005 NZ).

1 Nov 1898 – The Old age pensions Act became law. A means tested pension for the elderly. NZ history.

1899 – Every place in NZ the NZ index Wises Christchurch.

1899 – Oil lamps. Large oil lamps were used to read, write and do craftwork Colza oil from Rape seed for lighting. (NZ Memories. Aug Sept 2014).

1899 – 1919 – Charles Kenneth Cotton (R20519509) SA7543. Archives NZ. Archway records. WW1 26995 army NZ defence force personnel.

3 Feb 1899 – The NZ gold mines. The Manchester Guardian 1828-1900 UK.

24 Feb 1899 – Illegally importing opium. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

24 Feb 1899 – Importing opium. Hawkes Bay Herald, Papers Past.

24 Feb 1899 – Charge of importing opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

1 March 1899 – Samuel Finch died.

22 Dec 1899 – St Andrews orphanage and sex abuse. Colonist.

1900 – Christchurch population was about 50,000. (Chch crimes scandals. Geoffrey W Rice ©2013).

1900-1940 – NZ police gazette. In 1915 there were reports of opium smoking. (NZ genealogist Jan Feb 2011).

24 July 1900 – (papers past) Birth. Auckland Star, at her home in Northcote, the wife of James Pryor, a son.

24 July 1900 – (papers past) Auckland Star p8 on 24 July 1900 at her home Northcote wife of James pryor a son born.

1901 – The NZ Socialist party was founded in New Zealand. Karl Marx and Engles (internet).

1901 – Census out of a Chinese population of 2,792 only 30 were women. There were 82 Chinese men in Christchurch. Racism against them. Gambling dens and opium smoking. Poor English. (Chch crimes and scandals. Geoffrey W Rice ©(2013).

1902 – Troy More in 2001 posted on Coldcases, then moved to New Zealand from the US. One of New Zealand’s oldest cases, an unidentified women found floating in Wellington harbour in 1902. (The Sketeton crew. Deborah Helber ©2014 US).

1902 – The SS Ventnor was a British ship in 1902 Cheong Sing Tong, a charity led by Dunedin businessman Choie Sew Hoy. Remains of Chinese gold miners who died being sent back to China for reburial. (Maritime executive 19 Nov 2014).

1902-1905 – Police gazette. George Skidmore aka Malone aka Whitten, was wanted for the murder of a Sydney policeman. Last seen at a hotel in Te Aro Wellington. The murder occurred in 1902 and in 1905 he was still at large. (NZ genealogist Jan Feb 2011).

3 Feb 1902 – NZ and the war. The Manchester Guardian 1901-1959 UK.

11 Feb 1902 – Immigration Sydney to Wellington ship “Cornwall” name Raper.

28 Feb 1902 – (papers past) NZ Herald law and police p7. Magistrates court. Joseph Mrs Shrewsbery versus James Pryor, 6 pounds costs 23s.

19 March 1902 – Charles Kenneth Cotton orderly room sergeant rank. North island regilent. Christchurch. Clare rd St Albans Christchurch. South African war service .

23 April 1902 – Raid on opium dens. Taranaki Daily news. Papers Past.

24 April 1902 – Raid on opium dens. Colonist. Papers Past.

24 April 1902 – The raid on opium dens. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

24 April 1902 – An opium raid. Fielding Star. Papers Past.

29 Sept 1902 – Smuggling opium. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

29 Sept 1902 – Opium smuggling. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

Oct 1902 – The Ventnor project, the wreck of a ship that sank in Oct 1902. 13 crew and 499 Chinese from the Otago goldfields. (Waatea news 20 Nov 2014).

28 Oct 1902 – 499 coffins on the lost ship. Duncan Sew Hoy, aged 79. The vessels went down with the ship. The SS Ventnor sunk off the Hokianga coast. (ODT. NZ Herald. 14 Nov 2014).

29 Oct 1902 – The SS Ventnor sank off Hokianga. The ship left Wellington bound for Hong Kong on 26 Oct 1902. The next day it sank on a reef off the Taranaki coast. (Maritime executive 19 Nov 2014).

20 Nov 1902 – Missing. German sailor arrested. Grey River Argus.

13 Dec 1902 – Opium smuggling. Manawatu Herald. Papers Past.

13 Dec 1902 – Opium smuggling. Papers Past.

15 Dec 1902 – Alleged opium smuggling. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

1903 – James Pryor and Emily (nee Cole) were living in Christchurch. Richmond the Bowhill street New Brighton and children.

1903-21 – The NZ police fingerprint bureau was set up in 1903 and by 1921 it had 22,000 sets of fingerprints. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ)

20 Jan 1903 – Smuggling opium. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

3 April 1903 – A warning to chemists. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

3 April 1903 – Opium sale and chemists. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

3 April 1903 – Chemists and opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

4 April 1903 – Chemist and the sale of opium. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

16 April 1903 – Smuggling opium. Feilding Star. Papers Past.

16 April 1903 – Smuggling opium. Hawera Star. Papers Past.

16 April 1903 – Importing opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

16 April 1903 – An opium smuggler. West Coast Times. Papers Past.

17 April 1903 – Opium smuggling. Press. Papers Past.

17 April 1903 – An opium smuggler. West Coast Times. Papers Past.

25 June 1903 – Chinese laundry raided. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

25 June 1903 – Raid on opium den. Taranaki Daily news. Paper Past.

23 July 1903 – Chinese and opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

24 July 1903 – Chinese and opium. Press. Papers Past.

24 July 1903 – Opium and leprosy. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers Past.

15 Sept 1903 – The missing clergyman. Manawatu Times.

28 Sept 1903 – Opium imports. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

11 Feb 1904 – Opium smuggling at the Bluff. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

11 Feb 1904 – Opium smuggling. Bush Advocate. Papers Past.

11 Feb 1904 – Smuggling opium. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

12 Feb 1904 – An opium smuggler. Press. Papers Past.

28 April 1904 – (papers past) The Press Chch p2. Supreme court. Disputed will. James Pryor and O’Connor in his kitchen. Emily Pryor and O’Connor while he was in Mr Pryor’s home, he had a stroke. Michael O’Connor and a will.

12 May 1904 – Opium smuggling. Manawatu Times. Papers Past.

12 May 1904 – Importation of opium. West Coast Times. Papers Past.

19 July 1904 – Missing American emissary. Auckland Star.

13 Aug 1904 – Smuggling opium. Thames Star. Papers Past.

16 Aug 1904 – Opium smuggling. Press. Papers Past.

19 Sept 1904 – Raid on an opium den. Feilding Star. Paper Past.

19 Sept 1904 – Raid on an opium den. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

27 Sept 1904 – Opium raids. Star. Papers Past.

28 Sept 1904 – Another opium raid. Press. Papers Past.

31 Jan 1905 – Chinamen fined. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

4 April 1905 – A Chinese opium monopoly. Marlborough Express. Papers Past.

11 April 1905 – Alleged opium smoking. Colonist. Papers Past.

18 April 1905 – Opium in New Zealand. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

8 May 1905 – Christchurch Socialist. Manawatu Times. Papers Past NZ.

18 May 1905 – Opium smuggling on the increase. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

18 May 1905 – Opium smuggling. Herald. Papers Past.

19 May 1905 – Opium smuggling. Thames Star. Papers Past.

22 May 1905 – A crusade against opium. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

4 July 1905 – A Chinaman fined. Evening Post. Papers Past.

4 July 1905 – Chinese and opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

5 July 1905 – Chinese and opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

12 Sept 1905 – A Chinaman and his opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

22 Sept 1905 – Chinese and opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

22 Sept 1905 – Chinese and opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

30 Sept 1905 – Chinese and opium. Hawera Star. Papers Past.

9 Oct 1905 - A Chinaman and his opium. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1905 – Fireman drowned. West coast Times.

16 Dec 1905 – Chinese and opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

29 Dec 1905 – James John Pryor died in Dunedin aged 68. It was an unexpected sudden death. Coroners report. Mr CC Graham coroner.

29 Dec 1905 – (papers past) Auckland Star p3. In Dunedin, James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly last night.

29 Dec 1905 – (papers past) Feilding Star p3. Accidents and fatalities. Dunedin .James Pryor aged 68 died suddenly in Tomahawk while undressing.

30 Dec 1905 – (papers past) Oamaru Mail p2. Telegraphic news. James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk Dunedin died suddenly last night while undressing.

30 Dec 1905 – (papers past) Marlborough Express p3. Accidents and fatalities. Dunedin James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly last night while undressing.

30 Dec 1905 – (papers past) NZ Herald p5. A sudden death. Dunedin James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly last night while undressing.

30 Dec 1905 – (papers past) Accidents fatalities. The Star Chch p5. Dunedin Mr James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly last night while undressing.

1906 – Mr Wong Mee Chang who left NZ to return to China in 1906. His friend Ah Ming. Children in NZ, three generations of the Meechang’s family in NZ. (NZ Memories June July 2013).

1906 – New Zealand's first Catholic PM, Joseph Ward took office in 1906. Wikipedia.

1 Jan 1906 – (papers past) ODT p7 Inquest. Jame John Pryopr aged 68. Seedsman and fruiterer died suddenly at his home in Tomahawk Andersons bay Dunedin. Inquest coroner. Jury, Mr Henry Duckworth. Dr Church said it was a heart affection.

2 Jan 1906 – (papers past) Waiganui Chronicle p5. Accident in Dunedin. James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly while undressing.

3 Jan 1906 – (papers past) Fatalities. Colonist. James Pryor aged 68 of Tomahawk died suddenly last night while undressing.

3 Jan 1906 – (papers past) Otago Witness Inquest. James John Pryor aged 68 seedsman and fruiterer. Died sudenly at Tomahawk Andrsens bay Dunedin. Inquest CC Graham coroner. Dr Church said it was a heart affection.

12 Feb 1906 – A missing school master. Waikato Times.

15 Aug 1906 – Portion of body still missing. Marlborough express.

27 Dec 1906 – China and opium traffic. Colonist. Papers Past.

21 Feb 1907 – Raid on Chinese houses. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

23 March 1907 – Reefton Chinese in trouble. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

30 April 1907 – Raid on opium dens. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

30 April 1907 – Raid on opium dens. Colonist. Papers Past.

10 June 1907 – Chinese. Press. Papers Past.

19 June 1907 – (papers past) ODT p12 Matthews Pryor marriages. Presbyterian. Percival Haxtron Matthews Auckland to Ellen Nell Pryor, third daughter of the late James John Pryor Andersons bay Dunedin

19 June 1907 – (papers past) Otago Witness. Percival Haxton Matthews Auckland to Ellen Nell Pryor, third daughter of the late James John Pryor Andersons bay Dunedin. 19 June 1907. Andersons bay presbyterian minister A Cameron.

25 June 1907 – (papers past) Oamaru Mail p4. James Pryor school committee and bibles in schools.

27 June 1907 – NZ spy, Dr William Ball Sutch was born in Southport Lancashire UK. Arriving in NZ at 8 months old with his family. (Spy. Kit Bennetts SIS (c)2006 NZ).

8 July 1907 – Opium raids on Chinese den. Papers Past.

8 July 1907 – Opium smuggling. Marlborough Express. Papers Past.

13 July 1907 – Dr Barnardos homes and sex abuse. Thames Star.

12 Aug 1907 – Opium dens closed. Feilding Star. Papers Past.

12 Aug 1907 – Opium dens. Star. Papers Past.

16 Aug 1907 – A Chinese raid. Bush Advocate. Papers Past.

16 Aug 1907 – Opium dens. Star. Papers Past.

24 Aug 1907 – Chinese opium smokers. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

24 Aug 1907 – International Socialist congress. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past NZ.

26 Aug 1907 – International Socialist congress. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past NZ.

29 Aug 1907 – An opium raid. Star. Papers Past.

7 Sept 1907 – A Chinaman’s opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

17 Oct 1907 – (papers past) Oamaru Mail p1. Otago education board meeting. Mr James Pryor of Oamaru.

11 Dec 1907 – The NZ parliament was destroyed by fire, saving the library. The Manchester Guardian UK.

11 Dec 1907 – NZ parliament buildings were nearly destroyed by fire. (Chch Star NZ.. Today in history. 11 Dec 2015).

26 Dec 1907 – An Italian crime. NZ Herald.

2 Jan 1908 – Smuggling of opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

28 Feb 1908 – Opium smuggling. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

29 Feb 1908 – Opium smuggling. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

29 Feb 1908 – Opium smuggling. Papers Past.

11 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. Evening Post. Papers Past.

12 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. Marlborough Express. Papers Past.

24 March 1908 – Smuggling opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

24 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. Bush Advocate. Papers Past.

24 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. Thames Star. Papers Past.

25 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. West Coast Times. Papers Past.

25 March 1908 – Opium smugglers arrested. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers Past.

24 April 1908 – Opium dens closing. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

25 March 1908 – Opium smuggling. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

22 April 1908 – Chinese opium dens. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

24 April 1908 – Opium dens. Ohinemuri Gazette. Papers Past.

26 May 1908 – Chinese and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

22 July 1908 – NZ premier and the ‘yellow peril’, the welcome to the American fleet. The Manchester Guardian 1901-1959 UK.

31 July 1908 – Opium smugglers fined. Star. Papers Past.

31 July 1908 – Opium smuggling. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

31 July 1908- Smuggling opium. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

1 Aug 1908 – Opium smuggling. Colonist. Papers Past.

18 Sept 1908 – Opium smuggling. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

2 Oct 1908 – The opium traffic. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

19 Oct 1908 – Smuggling opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

19 Oct 1908 – Smuggling opium. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

19 Oct 1908 – Smuggling opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

20 Oct 1908 – Opium smuggling. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

21 Oct 1908 – Opium monopoly. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

2 Dec 1908 – (papers past) North Otago Times. P2 Property and occupied by Mrs James Pryor, half an acre of land. 7 room house, property sale Mrs Pryor’s household effects.

11 Dec 1908 – A haul of opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

11 Dec 1908 – An opium haul. Papers Past.

8 Jan 1909 – Opium traffic. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

8 March 1909 – The opium curse. Hawera and Normanby Star. Papers Past.

29 April 1909 – Opium smuggling. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

29 April 1909 – Opium frauds. Bush Advocate. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – Raid on opium smokers. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – An opium den. Marlborough Express. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – Opium den raided. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – Raid on opium smokers. Nelson Evening mail. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – An opium den raided. Taranaki Herald. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – Chinese and opium. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

23 July 1909 – An opium den. Harewa. Papers Past.

26 July 1909 – An opium den. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

18 Aug 1909 – Smuggling opium. Manawatu Times. Papers Past.

18 Aug 1909 – Smuggled opium. Wairarapa Times. Papers Past.

18 Aug 1909 – Opium smuggling. Evening Post. Papers Past.

18 Aug 1909 – Opium smuggling. Wanganui Herald. Papers Past.

18 Aug 1909 – Opium smugglers charged. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers Past.

19 Aug 1909 – Opium smuggling. Hawewa Star. Papers Past.

20 Aug 1909 – Opium smuggling. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

20 Aug 1909 – Opium smuggling. West Coast Times. Papers Past.

23 Aug 1909 – Chinese and opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

19 Sept 1909 – Smuggled opium. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

20 Sept 1909 – Smuggling opium. Colonist. Papers Past.

20 Oct 1909 – Christchurch murder. Marlborough express.

22 Nov 1909 – Charles Kenneth Cotton was a teller at the BNZ in Lyttelton. Supreme court fruad case alleged forger. Chch Star p2 Christchurch (Papers past).

17 Dec 1909 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times p6. Annual sucessful candidates Masterton district high school, proficiency certificate boys Eric Pryor. Promoted to student girl Olave Pryor.

21 Dec 1909 – Chinaman and opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

2 March 1910 – Opium on Cable steamer. Oamaru Mail. Papers Past.

3 March 1910 – Opium dens. Fielding Star. Paper Past.

31 March 1910 – The Hocken library opened at the University of Otago museum. A storehouse and a large collection of manuscripts, charts, files, old newspapers and documents. A research library. (On this day in NZ. Ron Palenski ©2010).

5 April 1910 – Military and opium growers. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

5 April 1910 – Raid on opium growers. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. Papers Past.

7 April 1910 – Chinese and opium. Mail. Papers Past.

8 April 1910 - Chinaman fined. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

27 Aug 1910 – Smuggled opium. Horowhenua Chronicle. Papers Past.

27 Aug 1910 – Smuggled opium. Manawatu Times. Papers Past.

30 Aug 1910 – International Socialist Congress. Hawera Normanby Star. Papers Past NZ.

13 Sept 1910 – Smuggling opium. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

13 Sept 1910 – Smuggling of opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

14 Sept 1910 – Opium smuggling. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

14 Sept 1910 – Opium smuggling. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

8 Oct 1910 – Chinese and opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

8 Oct 1910 – Chinese and opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1910 – Opium and Chinamen. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1910 – Smuggling opium. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1910 – Opium and Chinese. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1910 – Opium raid. Star. Papers past.

12 Dec 1910 – A customs haul. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1910 – Opium and Stowaways. Post. Papers Past.

13 Dec 1910 – Opium smuggling. Press. Papers Past.

13 Dec 1910 – An opium syndicate. Dominion. Papers Past.

24 Dec 1910 – Chinese opium evil. Papers Past.

19 Jan 1911 – The oil fields of NZ. The Irish Times 1874-1920 Dublin Ireland.

24 Jan 1911 – Opium smuggling. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. Papers Past.

11 Feb 1911 – Chinese opium smuggling. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

11 Feb 1911 – Smuggling opium. Papers Past.

13 Feb 1911 – Opium smuggling. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

13 Feb 1911 – Opium smuggling. Papers Past.

23 Feb 1911 – Opium smuggling. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

10 April 1911 – A Chinaman fined. Bay of Plenty Times. Papers Past.

1 May 1911 – Opium smuggling. Thames Star. Papers Past.

30 May 1911 – Smuggled opium. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

14 June 1911 – Smuggling opium. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

22 June 1911 – Chinese opium ring. Papers Past.

24 June 1911 – Chinese and opium. Colonist. Papers Past.

27 June 1911 – An opium ring. Auckland Star. Papers Past

27 June 1911 – An opium ring. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

28 June 1911 – An opium ring. Thames Star. Papers Past.

28 June 1911 – An opium ring. Dominion. Papers Past.

30 June 1911 – NZ Socialist party. Maoriland worker. Papers Past NZ.

11 July 1911 – Chinese and opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

10 Aug 1911 – A policeman missing. NZ Herald.

1 Sept 1911 – Murder mysteries. Nelson Evening Mail.

2 Sept 1911 – Mysterious disappearance. Dominion Wellington.

22 Sept 1911 – Opium smuggling. Waikato Times. Papers Past.

23 Sept 1911 – Opium smuggling. Otago Daily Times. Papers Past.

23 Sept 1911 – Opium smuggling. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

26 Sept 1911 – Smuggling opium. Papers Past.

3 Oct 1911 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times p3. Debating society Masterton James Pryor. Should women enter parliament.

1912 – Thomas Sedgwick. Youth migration to Australia and NZ for farm work. Youths 15-19 years. Child migrants under 14. Sedgwick the first groups of 50 youths from London and Liverpool were sent to NZ.

1912 – Mines in Waihi. A political strike, unions. William Parry was a member of the Socialist party and a union leader. Many were arrested by police. Shots were fired Constable Wade was shot. The shooter was Fredrick Evans. He was taken to Waihi police station and then to Waihi hospital where he died. Constable Wade made a full recovery. (NZ Memories. Oct Nov 2012 ).

1912 – Archives NZ. Archway records. (R23157172) James Pryor. Masterton Draper. 18576 Masterton probate files 1910-1923 Masterton district court 1910-2004. Open access.

25 Jan 1912 – Big opium seizure. Poverty Bay Herald. Papers Past.

30 Jan 1912 – Big opium seizure. Grey River Argus. Papers Past.

12 Feb 1912 – Chinaman and opium. Mataura Ensign. Papers Past.

3 May 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Tims p5. Mr James Pryor was elected to the NZ hockey association

22 May 1912 – Opium den raided. Colonist. Papers Past.

17 June 1912 – Chinese arrested. Post. Papers Past.

18 Sept 1912 – James Pryor died aged 43 or 46? In Masterton. Buried in Masterton cemetery. He made a will in July 1912.

18 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Dominion Wellington p4. Death at his residence in Bannister st Masterton. James Pryor husband of Emily Pryor, brother of Ms Win Pryor of Haitaitai Wellington, died in his 44th year.

18 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times p4. Bannister st Masterton James Pryor’s death, husband of Emily Pryor.

18 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Age p4. Death of James Pryor at his home in Bannister st Masterton. Husband of Emily Pryor.

19 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Obituary. Wairarapa Age p5. Mr James Pryor died suddenly at his home in Bannister st. He had an operaton for varicose vains in July 1911. he got pleurisy and pseumonia. Violent pains after tea. Unconscious and died. Internal Hemmorrhage at 46 years old. He came to Masterton from Oamaru in Nov 1908, a draper

19 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Obituary. Wairarapa Age p5. Mr James Pryor was a member of the horticultual society, a poultry farmer and officer at Knox church. He left a widow and 4 sons, one daughter. One of his sons, David is studying in Dunedin for the Presbyterian ministry. Mr William Pryor, brother of James Pryor.

19 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Obituary. Wairarapa Age. James Pryor brother, late rev David Pryor, Knox church Dunedin.

21 Sept 1912 – (papes past) Dominion p4. Death. On 18 Sept 1912 at his Bannister st Masterton home, James Pryor, husband of Emily Pryor, brother of WW Pryor of Hataitai, in his 46th year died.

25 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times p5. Suceeded the late James Pryor as head of the drapery dept WFCA Masterton.

28 Sept 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times . Personal. Late Mr James Pryor Wairarapa Amateur athletics club vote.

19 Oct 1912 – (papers past) Wairarapa Daily Times p5. Widow and family of the late James Pryor.

31 Oct 1912 – Shocking murder. Wairarapa Daily Times.

12 Nov 1912 – Waihi. The strike, policeman Gerald Wade, police shot on Black Tuesday. The truth about what happened may never be known. Workers and police. (NZ Memories. June July 2013).

1913 – 14 year old Sally Kent in Dunedin, was raped and stabbed in a school yard. (By a person or persons unknown. George Joseph ©1982 NZ).

1913 – There were no laws requiring Maori to register births, deaths or marriages until 1913. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2014).

1913-18 – Bill Bayly’s neighbour, Samuel Pender Lakey, migrated to NZ from the UK in 1913. Released from the army in 1918. (By a person or persons unknown. George Joseph ©1989 NZ).

9 Jan 1913 – The opium trade. Press. Papers past.

9 Jan 1913 – The opium traffic. Colonist. Papers Past.

21 Jan 1913 – Smuggling opium. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

30 Jan 1913 – Big opium crops. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

24 April 1913 – Opium dens. Poverty Bay Herald. Papers Past.

15 May 1913 – Chinese opium smokers. NZ Herald. Papers past.

1914 – Donald Fraser was born in Queensland Australia 1892. In 1914 Fraser was charged with a sex assault on a teenage girl. In 17 Nov 1933 unsolved murder, Riccarton Christchurch. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ)

1914 – Historians get hold of the details. British General S Alexander Godley was sent to New Zealand. Training and advisor to NZ troops. Military preparedness and 1914. (Hidden history. Gerry Docherty. Jim Macgregor (c)2013 UK).

1914 – Archives NZ. Archway records. William Pryor. (R27219697) Open access.

1914-18 – NZ lost about 18,000 soldiers during World War One. Following the war the Spanish flu epidemic swept through NZ killing more than 8,500 people. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1914-18 – Women in NZ were knitting in support of the war effort. (NZ Memories Aug Sept 2014).

1914-18 – Archives NZ. Archway records. William Antony Pryor.WW1 army. (R20803230) Restricted access.

1914-18 – Archives NZ. Archway records. (R20803337) Harry Kininmont Pryor WW1 army. Restricted access.

1914-1945 – Archives NZ. Archway records. James John Pryor WW1 army. (R24062704) Restricted access.

14 Jan 1914 – Chemist and opium. Star. Papers Past.

14 Jan 1914 – Chemists and opium. Manawatu Standard. Papers Past.

20 Jan 1914 – Chinese and opium. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

20 Jan 1914 – An opium den. Press. Papers Past.

7 March 1914 – A Wellington opium den. Press. Papers Past.

14 April 1914 – Chinese opium smuggler. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

9 May 1914 – NZ police force, an increase of pay. Weekly Irish Times 1876-1920 Dublin Ireland.

8 June 1914 – Chinese and opium. Sun. Papers Past.

3 July 1914 – Chinese and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

4 July 1914 – Chinese and opium. Feilding Star. Papers Past.

11 Aug 1914 – A week after the outbreak of World War One, 12 year old Kiri Waihinga was raped and murdered, she was found in the Wanganui river. Murder unsolved. (By a person or persons unknown. George Joseph (c)1989 NZ).

12 Sept 1914 – North Waikato town of Huntly. An explosion at Ralph mine, 43 people were killed and many more injured. (NZ Memories. Aug Sept 2014).

15 Sept 1914 – Chinese with opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

28 Sept 1914 – Sex slave Frances Marshall was murdered in Auckland. Unsolved crime. (NZ crime timeline).

20 Oct 1914 – Chinaman with opium. NZ Herald. Papers past.

20 Oct 1914 – Chinese and opium. Wairarapa Daily Times. Papers Past.

20 Oct 1914 – Chinese and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

5 Dec 1914 – NZ and the war. The Irish Times 1874-1920 Dublin Ireland.

19 Jan 1915 – (papers past) Public service. Dominion. James Patrick Ward. Hokitika. Entrance exams passses.

21 Jan 1915 – International Socialist conference. Colonist. Papers Past NZ.

10 Feb 1915 – In Sumner Christchurch, Charles Kenneth Cotton and Ethel Kate Bromley were married.

3 March 1915 – Chinamen and opium. Papers Past.

19 March 1915 – Alleged opium smuggling. Hawera Star. Papers Past.

19 March 1915 – (papers past) Dominion. The recruiting. Wellington 39 recruits for active service. James John Pryor Hataitai.

21 May 1915 – Opium smuggling. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

29 June 1915 – Chinaman and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

30 June 1915 – Chinamen and opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

8 Sept 1915 – Smuggling opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

17 Sept 1915 – Opium smuggling. Sun. Papers Past.

17 Sept 1915 – Opium smuggling. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

8 Oct 1915 – Opium smuggling. Wairarapa Daily Times. Papers Past.

12 Oct 1915 – Big seizure of opium. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

12 Oct 1915 – Haul of opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

13 Oct 1915 – Opium smuggling. Papers Past.

14 Oct 1915 – (papers past) Dominion p6. A country’s call. Enlistments. 145 registered at the Town Hall. James John Pryor motor mechanic.

5 Jan 1916 – Opium smuggling. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past.

5 Jan 1916 – Chinaman and opium. Nelson Evening Mail. Papers Past.

5 Jan 1916 – Chinamen and opium. Colonist. Papers Past.

24 Jan 1916 – Chinese stock of opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

11 May 1916 – Mr and Mrs JF Holland were murdered at their Raven st home in Kaiapoi. Their young child was in the house unharmed. Unsolved. (Nine unsolved murders in Canterbury. The Press. 30 March 2012).

29 July 1916 – Mysterious murder. Northern Advocate.

29 July 1916 – Mysterious murder. Marlborough Express.

3 Aug 1916 – The NZ military service bill. The Manchester Guardian 1901-1959 UK.

15 Aug 1916 – Chinese opium smugglers. Marlborough Express. Papers Past.

23 Sept 1916 – Charles Kenneth Cotton WW1 Wellington NZ to Devon UK. Cape of good hope South Africa. Departed 23 Sept 1916 arrived 19 Nov 1916. WW1 New Zealand Expeditionary force. (See Auckland war memorial museum).

1917 – NZ census and statistics office. Register of aliens 1917. Confidential for use of alien registration officers only. Wellington 1917. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldred Grigg ©2010 NZ).

1917 – The clergy and conscription. Manifesto of the Catholic hierarchy of NZ. Dunedin. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldred Grigg ©2010 NZ).

1917 – The NZ census and statistics office register of aliens. Confidential, for use of register officers only. Wellington. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldred Grigg (c)2010 NZ).

1917-1918 – Capture of the US schooner Winslow in June 1917. SMS Wolf was a German navy warship, which returned to Kiel Germany 24 Feb 1918 with crew and 600 prisoners, all ill with scurvy. SMS Wolf German navy 1918. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2012 2013).

1917-1918 – 2 June 1917 NZ, SS Wairuna Raoul island. The 5th victim of the Imperial German navy SMS Wolf armed merchant vessel. From April to June 1917 Wolf was in Australia and NZ waters. Wolf laid minefields off the NZ coast on the tip of the North Island. Loss of the steamer Wimmera in July 1918. (NZ Memories Dec Jan 2012 2013).

1917-1923 – Br F P Bowler Christian brothers school Catholic hostel for 12 boys. 2 Bishop place Dunedin. Rattray st. 30 boys until 1923 when he went to Adelaide Australia.

1917-1928 – Nana Chhiba, a Hindu was born on 19 Jan 1900 in Surat Bombay, he arrived in NZ in 1917. In 1917 the Chhiba brothers sailed to NZ, Wanganui, In 1927 Nana returned to the India village of Mataud in Bombay. He returned to NZ, 1926 fruit store in the Taranaki town of Hawera. Returned to NZ in May 1928, and was donating fruit to the poor. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

14 March 1917 – Chinese and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

21 May 1917 – International Socialist conference. Wanganui Chronicle. Papers Past NZ.

9 June 1917 – Eric Nicol Pryor (R20803341) embarked WW1 army Wellington. To Devon UK then to Cape of good Hope South Africa. NZEF.

22 June 1917 – The Socialist Internationale. Colonist. Papers Past NZ.

1918 – The Spanish influenza pandemic killed 8,600 New Zealnders over a few months. NZ disasters timeline.

1918 – NZ Marxian association was founded in 1918 a Marxist (Socialist), party in New Zealand.

1918 – The Sisters of mercy in NZ Catholic. The works of mercy during the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic.

1918 – War in Europe, a memorial for 48 New Zealanders, whose bodies were never found, most of the New Zealander’s were killed at the beginning of the war. 1916-17. Grave memorials are in Belgium. (NZ genealogist July Aug 2011).

1918 – The 1918 flu epidemic killed over 8,500 people and is part of New Zealand's World War One history. (Radio NZ. 9 Aug 2015).

15 Feb 1918 – Engagement lieut OG Jarrett, son of Mr Mrs RO Jarrett. Olave Pryor daughter of James Pryor. Pine street. Lieut Jarrett who left with the NZ rifle brigade, on duty as 38th reinforcments at Trenthem. Wairarapa Age 15 Feb 1918 p5. Personal. Papers past.

27 Jan 1919 – International Socialist Delegation. Marlborough express. Papers Past NZ.

7 Feb 1919 – International Socialist conference. Colonist. Papers Past NZ.

24 Feb 1919 – Public service scholarships examinations. David Nicol Pryor, Oamaru Mail p6. Papers past.

6 Oct 1919-1 Apr 1921 – On 6 Oct 1919 Constable Vivian Duddy was shot dead in Wellington. Passing of the Arms Act in 1920. Register firearms was required by 1 April 1921. 200,000 firearms were registered. Many were not. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1920s 30s – Murder mystery. An old rest home matron Elspeth Kerr aka the Granny killer. Kerr murdered elderly patients by poisoning them during the 1920s and 30s she worked in North Shore Auckland. Skeletons were found at the property of a house owned by Kerr. Residents also found skeletons while gardening. Elspeth Kerr was an abortionist, she also killed several young children. Hunt for more bodies. (The paradise conspiracy. Ian Wishart (c)1995 NZ).

18 March 1920 – Ponsonby murder. Evening Post.

21 June 1920 – Ponsonby murder. Evening Post.

21 June 1920 – Ponsonby murder. Marlborough express.

18 Nov 1920 – A corpse missing. Marlborough Express.

19 Nov 1920 – Timaru murder. Marlborough Express.

16 Dec 1920 – Trade in opium. Ashburton Guardian. Papers Past.

July-Sept 1921 – 17 July 1921 Albert Prosser Auckland boxers found the body and told police. The deceased was Francis Edward Jew aged 19. The inquest into the death of Francis Edward Jew opened in Auckland magistrates court on 12 Sept 1921. On 16 July 1921 he had been beaten with a batten. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

27 August 1921 – Murder of policeman James Dorgan outside a Timaru drapery. He was shot dead and the killer was never found. (NZ crime timeline).

27-30 Aug 1921 – Death recorded on 27 Aug 1921, 37 year old policeman James Dorgan. Funeral for James Dorgan was held on 30 Aug 1921 in Timaru. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

25 Sept 1921 – Birthday of Robert Muldoon, former NZ PM. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 25 Sept 2015).

28 Dec 1921 – Murder mystery. Ashburton Guardian.

31 Dec 1921 – Sex abuse in Catholic orphanages. NZ Herald.

1922-23 – William Oates was released from hospital on 2 Nov 1923. Unsolved murder of an elderly Chinese market gardener named Chow Yat, shot dead a year earlier. Inquest into the murder of Margaret Emily Oates was held in Wanganui district court on 23 Nov1923. Murder unsolved, 26 Oct 1923 at her residence. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1923 – (R23089791) Thomas James Pryor. Stillwater miner. Open access. Archives NZ. Archway records.

9 Jan 1923 – NZ writer Katherine Mansfield died of tuberculosis, institute for harmonic development in Fontaineblou. A Greek American psychologist, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, was accused of killing her. (The lawn road flats. David Burke (c)2014 UK).

1 May 1923 - Smuggling of opium. Press. Papers Past.

24 Aug 1923 – Smuggled opium. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

25 Aug 1923 – Smuggled opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

25 Aug 1923 – Opium smuggler caught. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

29 Aug 1923 - Supreme court. Charles Kenneth Cotton for being 8 pounds 10 shillings in arrears on a maintenance order. Convicted and sentenced to one month imprisonment. Release on payment of arrears. Chch Press p7. Papers past.

17 Sept 1923 – Murder mystery. Hawera Normanby Star.

27 Sept 1923 – Medal of action completed. Charles Kenneth Cotton. Last known address 273 Kilmore street Christchurch.

14 Nov 1923 – Chinese fined 30 pounds. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

17 Nov 1923 – Opium smokers. NZ Truth. Papers Past.

12 Dec 1923 – The courts. Charles Kenneth Cotton disobedience of a mainenance order, convicted and sentenced to 2 months imprisonment. Release on payment of 7 pounds. The Press Christchurch p6. Papers past.

30 Jan 1924 – Socialist international. Evening Post. Papers Past NZ.

11 Feb 1924 – Opium raid. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

16 Feb 1924 – Boy immigrants. Northern Advocate.

16 Feb 1924 – Orphans as immigrants. Hawera and Normanby Star.

16 July 1924 – Chinamen fined for opium smoking. Papers Past.

25 July 1924 – Opium smuggling. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

16 Sept 1924 – Smuggled opium. Hawera Normanby Star. Papers Past.

8 Oct 1924 – Another haul of opium. Papers Past.

17 Nov 1924 – Smuggled opium. Northern Advocate. Papers Past.

2 Dec 1924 – Chinamen fined. Hawera Star. Papers Past.

1925 – Police Gazette. Ellen and Frederick Mouat in Christchurch. Ellen was missing and Frederick was accused of her murder. (NZ genealogist. Jan Feb 2011).

1925 – Loyalty league. What is the red menace. The secret history of the forces behind Socialism and Communism. The Labour party Wellington. (The great wrong war. Stevan Eldrid Grigg (c)2010 NZ).

1925-37 – The disappearance of Nellie Mouat in Christchurch in 1925. Her husband Fred was charged and convicted of her murder. Fred was released in 1937 after 12 years of hard labour. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

23 Jan 1925 – Opium traffic. Evening Post. Papers Past.

9 Feb 1925 – Opium traffic. Evening post. Papers Past.

16 Feb 1925 – Arms and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

23 July 1925 – Smuggled opium. Press. Papers Past.

1926 – The New Zealand Communist party was set up. (Spy. Kit Bennetts (c)2006 NZ).

1 Feb 1926 – Chinese and opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

20 May 1926 – Opium smuggling. Press. Papers Past.

16 Sept 1926 – Child welfare in NZ. The Manchester Guardian UK.

Dec 1926 – Rewi Alley NZ Communiust left NZ and went to China. Age 29. He arrived in China on 21 April 1927. NZ History.

Dec 1926 – Allan Eaglesham became gen sec of the Communist party of NZ. (Spies and revolutionaries. Graeme John Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

1927-38 – Rewi Alley, was a Marxist (Socialist), in Shanghai China and a friend of Communist spy Agnes Smedley. Rewi Alley was a factory inspector in Shanghai from 1927 to 1938. Rewi Alley remembered M15 Hollis in China. (Too secret too long. p12. Chapman Pincher. ©1984 US).

8 March 1927 – Chinaman with opium. Auckland Star, Papers Past.

21 April 1927 – Rewi Alley from Canterbury, arrived in China, where he stayed until his death 60 years later. He died on 27 Dec 1987. (On this day in NZ. Ron Palenski ©2010).

12 May 1927 – The Arcos raid in the UK lead the British to sever diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. The All Russian coop society ltd, aka Arcos. (Spies and revolutionaries. Graeme John Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

20 June 1927 – Murder mystery. Auckland Star.

11 July 1927 – Chinese with opium. Auckland Star, Papers Past.

18 July 1927 – Chinese smoking opium. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

15 Nov 1927 – Gwen Scarff, Cashmere Christchurch. The criminal sessions at Christchurch supreme court, Murder unsolved. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1928 – The Elsie Walker case rocked the Te Puke community in 1928. Her disappearance, an unsolved mystery. 1928 newspaper clippings. (NZ Memories p53 Dec Jan 2014).

1928-29 –5 Oct 1928 Auckland Elsie Walker, aged 17, disappeared several nights before she was found dead. A girl abused? Elsie could not drive. On 8 Oct 1928 Elsie Grace Walker was buried at Purewa cemetery. Elsie Walker disappeared on 1 Oct 1928. The inquest in Auckland magistrates court on 10 Jan 1929. No arrests were made. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge (c)2010 NZ).

22-23 March 1928 – Postal clerk missing. The Press. Auckland Star.

18 June 1928 – Papers past. NZ Herald. Weddings. Knox church in Masteton on the 4 June 1928 Olave Pryor. Frederick Anderson of Timaru.

13 Aug 1928 – Papers past. NZ Herald p8. While playing football at Waimauku on Saturday Mr James Pryor aged 24 fractured his leg. Auckland hospital.

20 Aug 1928 – Opium traffic. Evening Post. Papers Past.

1 Oct 1928 – Elise Walker aged 17, her dumped body was found in Taranaki on 1 Oct 1928. (Tauranga murders in history. 23 Sept 2014 Sun Live).

2-5 Oct 1928 – Elsie Walker, 17 years old, died on 2 Oct 1928, Papamoa near Te Puke Tauranga. Her body was found later on 5 Oct 1928. (By a person or persons unknown. George Joseph ©1989 NZ).

1929 – In Murchisen a 7.8 earth earthquake, and a landslide that killed 14 people. (NZ newswire Te Ara).

1929 – The Wall street crash and the start of the great depression. (The lawn road flats. David Burke (c)2014 UK).

1929 – My great aunt was murdered in the US in the 1970s by her husband. In 1929 she was adopted from the UK to NZ on the ship Ruahine. Illegitimate. From Clapton London. Josephine Egginto. Adopted in NZ by Mr and Mrs Mellors. She met a US soldier in NZ and got marrried. They went to the US. He shot her and himself and children in 1970. 20 March 2012.

1929-32 – The New York stock exchange crashed on 24 Oct 1929 causing the Great Depression. Poverty in April 1932 and violence in Auckland. The Cuba street riots on 10 May 1932. Mounted police in Wellington. Old age pensions were cut, poverty as the govt took money out of circulation. Work for the dole. Clothes were made from old suger sacks, also called the sugar bag years. (The great depression NZ. Kevin Boon (c)1994).

1929-33 – The Wall street stock market crash of 1929, which began the Great Depression. In 1933 there were 80,000 unemployed in NZ. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

9 March 1929 – Chinese opium dens. Evening Post. Papers Past.

11 May 1929 – Murder mystery. Auckland Star.

8 Aug 1929 – The NZ earthquake, extent of damage. The Manchester Guardian UK.

26 Aug 1929 – The NZ earthquake, devastated areas. Manchester Guardian UK.

12 Sept 1929 – Elsie Walker's mystery death. While in Oamaru a boy on a bike, Magnius Liang died after being hit by a car. Moss Wylie drove the car. NZ Truth.

12 Sept 1929 – Tragic fire lost ashes of a mystery. Charred bones in the ruins. 8 victims died in the burnt out blaze. The whole family. The home was owned by John Brown Westlake who also died in the fire. Foxton Himatangi mystery. NZ Truth.

11 Oct 1929 – (papers past) NZ Herald. Benefit concert and dance for Mr James Pryor, Waimauku who was injured at football, 12 months, Coronation hall.

5 Dec 1929 – Opium trafficker fined. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

1930 – The World socialist party in New Zealand was set up in 1930. The socialist party of NZ was affiliated to the world socialist movement.

1930 – Alex Galbraith visited the Soviet Union in 1930. NZ delegation to the red international of trade unions. Alex Galbraith 1883-1959. (Spies revolutionarires. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

1930s – The sugarbag years. The great Depression era in NZ. (c)1997. ISBN 978-0-908877-95-1. Godwit publishing ltd Auckland. First published in 1974. Tony Simpson.

1930-31 – In April 1930, Nana in Hawera, 29 Jan 1931 Nana Chhiba victim in New Plymouth. Walter Tinsley was suspected of murdering Nana Chhiba in Hawera on 31 Jan 1931 he was tried and acquitted. Walter John Tinsley was born in Masterton on 15 Dec 1904. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1930-64 – Paddy Costello was at Trinity college Cambridge in the early 1930s, in the NZ legation to Moscow from 1944-50, NZ diplomatic service in Paris 1950-55. He died on 23 Feb 1964. The two diplomats expelled in NZ were Andraev and Shtyko.

Early 1930s – New Zealander Rewi Alley was a friend of Agnes Smedley. Alley was a Communist/Socialist and a friend of M15 Hollis in China. (Treachery. C Pincher ©2011 UK).

24 Jan 1930 – Smuggled opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

15 March 1930 – Smuggling opium. Evening Post. Papers Past.

9 Sept 1930 – Chinaman fined 50 pounds. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

7 November 1930 – Ernie Burr was missing in Marsden NZ. The identity of a body has never been confirmed nor the cause of death. Burr has not been seen alive since 7 November 1930 West Coast. (Still missing. Scott Bainbridge ©2008 NZ).

1931 – The land district Wellington, Taranaki and Hawkes Bay. The Hawkes Bay Deed indexes and registers, were destroyed by the 1931 Napier earthquakes, so there is little available before that date. (NZ genealogist. Nov Dec 2011).

1931 – During the Great Depression the 1931 census was cancelled. (NZ genealogist. May June 2011).

2 Feb 1931 – Hawkes bay 7.9 earthquake. 256 people died. USGS historic world earthquakes.

3 Feb 1931 – Hawkes Bay earthquakes magnitude 7.3 on 13 Feb 1931 Napier Hastings. Hundreds of people were killed or trapped. 256 death toll. 593 people were seriously injured. More than 5,000 people were evacuated. On 3 Feb 1931 earthquake 7.9 Hawkes Bay, Napier, Hastings. (NZ genealogist. Jan Feb 2012).

3 Feb 1931 – The Hawkes Bay earthquake. NZ's worst natural disaster to date. 258 people were killed. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 3 Feb 2016).

4 Feb 1931 – The NZ earthquake. The Manchester Guardian UK.

5 Feb 1931 – The NZ earthquake. worlds unstable belt. Prof J W Gregory The Manchester Guardian UK.

5 Feb 1931 – NZ loss estimated earthquake death toll 1,000. Army of rescuers hard at work. The Manchester Guardian UK.

7 Feb 1931 – Relief in NZ, order in devastated district. Napier bankrupt, complications of burnt documents. The Manchester Guardian UK.

10 Feb 1931 - The NZ earthquake, governor general tribute to inhabitants. The Irish Times.

11 Feb 1931 – The NZ earthquake official statistics of casualties. The Irish Times.

27 Feb 1931 – The NZ earthquake. appeal by former governor general. The Manchester Guardian UK.

19 March 1931 – The NZ legal system. Lawyer Kevin Ryan, Irish ancestry, he was born in Westport. (Justice Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ).

6 April 1931 – Chinese charged. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

13 May 1931 – Murder mystery. Evening Post.

1 June 1931 – NZ earthquake, the task of reconstruction. The Manchester Guardian UK.

22 Aug 1931 – Chinese and opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

30 Oct 1931 – The death of Arthur Blomfield in Auckland, a 75 year old chemist in a pharmacy, drug related, possible. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

10 Dec 1931 – Missing woman’s body. Evening Post.

11 Dec 1931 – The statute of Westminster UK gave legislative independence to New Zealand. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history. 11 Dec 2015).

1932 – 80,000 unemployed in Dec 1932 in NZ. 100,000 people did not “qualify”. April 1932 violence in Auckland. 20,000 people met at the town hall. Police attacked people with battons. Many people were injured. Queen street Auckland windows were broken. Looting. Called the Queen street riot. Also violence in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. 10 may 1932 protests at parliament. (The great depression NZ. Kevin Boon (c)1994)

1932-33 – Oswald Laurence Coulton aged 24, Australian born. Inquiry into the murder of Arthur Blomfield, Auckland 20 March 1932. On 15 Oct 1933 Christobal Lakey went missing. Auckland taxi driver James Blair. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1932 to 1940s – Sutch visited Moscow Russia in 1932. He returned in 1936 and again in the 1940s with a UN aid agency. After world war two Sutch was sec gen at the UN in New York. Sutch was a Soviet spy since the 1930s. (Bloodied but not beaten. Rob Vaughan NZ (c)2012).

9 Feb 1932 – Charles Wilson died age 75. Wellington cable car then taken to Bowen st hospital and died there. He was a NZ member of parliament, Wellintgton from 23 April 1877 to 15 Nov 1819. Born on 1 Jan 1857 in the UK. Politician, editor and librarian. Wikipedia.

14 April 1932 – Riots broke out in Queen street Auckland. There was more than 200 injuries and widespread looting. (Spies and revolutionarires. Graeme John Hunt. (c)2007 NZ).

23 April 1932 – Catholic orphanages and child sex abuse. Auckland Star.

3 Sept 1932 – Opium den. Evening Post. Papers Past.

15 Dec 1932 – Chinese fined 40 pounds. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

1933 – The minimum age of marriage was raised to 16 in 1933. Previously it was 14 for males and 12 for females. (Family tree. Dec 2009).

1933-34 – Christobel Lakey was killed by asphyxia. Samuel Lakey disappeared. Bayly was charged with the murder of Christobel Lakey on 5 Dec 1933 and on 10 Jan 1934 he was charged with the murder of Samuel Lakey. Bill Bayly’s trial was on 21 May 1934 in the Auckland supreme court. In Mt Eden prison, then he was executed, hanged. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

1933-34 – William Alfred Bayly 3 Nov 1933 was arrested and charged with the murder of Samuel Pender Lakey and Christobel Lakey. Date of Bayly’s execution Auckland 20 July 1934. (By person or persons unkown. George Joseph ©1982 NZ).

24 April 1933 – Tararua ranges. Bill Sutch (Communist spy) and 3 other trampers went missing in the bush. On 15 April 1933, four trampers Eric Hill, Morva Williams., Bert O'Keefe and Bill Sutch went missing in the Tararua region during a violent storm. Evening Post. NZ History.

26 Oct 1933 – Sex abuse in Dunedin orphanages. Evening Post.

4 Nov 1933 – Opium growing. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

17 Nov 1933 – Unsolved murder, in Christchurch, Riccarton. Donald Fraser was born in Queensland Australia in 1892. In 1914 Fraser was charged with the sex assault of a teenage girl. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge. ©2010 NZ).

17 Nov 1933 – Donald Frazer at the Racecourse hotel was shot dead. Unsolved NZ murders. Facebook.

17 Nov 1933 – Racecourse hotel. Donald Fraser was shot in the chest with both barrells of a shotgun. The shotgun was never found. Unsolved. (Nine unsolved murders in Canterbury. The Press. 30 March 2012).

1934 – HJ Wilson. The Bayly case. magazine ltd Wellington.

16 April 1934 – Opium den. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

5 Aug 1934 – Truth newspaper article. Bill Bayly was hanged several weeks earlier and could not be questioned. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge ©2010 NZ).

13 Nov 1934 – Birthday of Peter Arnett. A NZ born journalist in the US. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 13 Nov 2015).

1935 – The number of people who died from starvation was quite considerable. People died from lack of food during the great depression, older people. (The sugarbag years. (c)1997 NZ. Tony Simpson p169).

1935-36 – Northland, Ernest Severin Nelson, was born in Sweden in 1881 and emigrated to NZ when he was 3 years old. He was shot dead, an unsolved murder. Kaikohe. (Shot in the dark. Scott Bainbridge. ©2010 NZ).

1935 to 1937 – A search of Sutch home found diaries from several decades. Sutch was meeting with Soviet embassy staff for many years. Colin Lines said the full story is yet to be told. Meetings went back years. Colin Lines said Sutch was a Soviet spy. Socialist Communist. Oxford uni in 1937. Sutch Communist in London in 1935. (Bloodied but not beaten. Rod Vaughan NZ (c)2012).

18 May 1935 – Importing opium. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

31 May 1935 – James Brendon “Jim” Bolger was born in Opunake Taranaki. His parents emigrated from Ireland in 1930. Roman Catholics. (Wikipedia. Jim Bolger).

11 Oct 1935 – Gambling in NZ betting and lotteries. The Manchester Guardian UK.

14 Oct 1935 – Murder mystery. Auckland Star.

1936 – Dunedin Catholic Sisters of Mercy opened. Orphanages and children's homes in Otago and Southland. Archives at NZ Dunedin regional office records, a report of inmates. Catholic Sisters of Mercy.

1936 – Dr Harold Silverstone was a Wellington insurance clerk. He was the son of Mark Silverstone, who was a founder of the Labour party in 1916. He was a member of the Communist party from at least 1936. (Spies and revolutionaries. Graeme John Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

10 Feb 1936 – Opium raid. Evening Post. Papers Past.

10 Feb 1936 – Opium den raid. Auckland Star. Papers past.

2 April 1936 – Raid on opium den. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

1937 – No welfare and people had to fend for themselves. The system of them and us.. (Justice. Kevin Ryan ©1997 NZ).

1937 – Bill Sutch was born in Lancashire UK in 1907. Sutch came to NZ with his family in 1908. Wellington, Nelson and Wanganui. PHD in New York, Colombia uni. He moved from the US in late 1932. In 1937 he was a NZ government worker. British M15 put Dr Sutch under surveillance. He was the NZ delegate to the UN. (NZ mysteries. Nicole McCloy ©2005 NZ).

1937 – Florence Pryor. (R23117718) Wellington married. Open access. Archives NZ. Archway records.

1937-54 – Dr Bill Sutch and an anti American speech he gave about the Korean war in 1952. New Zealand born Soviet spies Ian Milner and Wally Clayton. 19 April 1954. (Spies revolutionaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

27 Sept 1937 – Missing woman's body found. The Press.

6 Nov 1937 – Chinese fined 100 pounds. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

7 Dec 1937 – Papers past. Evening Post, traffic offences p13. Driving without due care and attention. Jame John Pryor fined 10s and costs.

1938 – Greengrocer Dalu Desai disappeared without trace in Taharoa. He arrived in NZ in 1911 aged 15. Case of missing Hindu. A reward of 250 pounds, but no info was forthcoming. His body was never found, how he was killed and by who? (Still missing. Scott Bainbridge ©2008 NZ).

19 March 1938 – Nazi count von Luckners visit to NZ. Evening Post. Papers past.

4 April 1938 – Chinese charged. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

11 April 1938 – Chinese fined. Auckland Star. Papers Past.

25 May 1938 – Missing Indian. Evening Post.

4 June 1938 – Nazi league in NZ. The Press Christchurch. Papers past.

1939 – An alien enemy within the meaning of the enemy property emergency regulations 1939, estate?.

1939 – Christian brothers. Br Allen was assistant to superior at a school in Dunedin.

1939-40 – Ian Milner returned to NZ in Aug 1939. Dept of education in Wellington, a government worker. Wellington Peace committee, a Communist front group. 8 Jan 1940 Communists in NZ. Wellington trades hall meeting of the Peace committee. Ian Milner and Dr Bill Sutch. Soviet intel. Dr Martyn Finlay a Communist lawyer. (Spies revolutonaries. Graeme Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

6 March 1939 – Opium aboard Aorangi. NZ Herald. Papers Past.

15 March 1939 – Opium shops. Evening Post. Papers Past.

17 July 1939 – Refugees.

Sept 1939 - April 1940 – Fraser became PM in April 1940, after the death of Michael Savage. Emergency regulations were introduced in Sept 1939. Two days later, war was declared. (Spies and revolutionaries. Graeme John Hunt (c)2007 NZ).

3 Sept 1939 – Outbreak of the Second World War. The war ended in the Pacific on 2 Sept 1945. (Practical family history. Feb 2010 p50).

17 Nov 1939 – New boys home and sex abuse. NZ Herald.

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