Saturday, February 27, 2016

The laws are all wrong. Rape is not work.

The laws are all wrong

To explain. When corrupt government workers manipulate and force someone to have sex against their will, or starve to death, this is rape. The men who had sex with them are not guilty of rape. If it. was not them it would have been someone else and they did not use force. The victim did not consent. Its your body, it does not belong to corrupt government workers to rape, molester and use for sex tourism, for Socialism right or left. No to sex, thats the end of it. No amount of force or lies will change that. You cannot force someone to be willing when they are not. Thats psychological warfare. Socialists like Stalin and Hitler were good at that too.

Mass graves in Thailand of people who starved to death, because they died rather than have sex against their will. Same thing. If you choose to stay alive, it does not mean you consented. Force is. not choice. If you complain about these corrupt government workers, you get punished severely. No access to any so called justice system. You are legally not allowed a lawyer or legal aid. No legal self defence. No justice and no human rights. You are label a crazy whore.

Sex slavery and sex trafficking are basically different words for the same thing. Whether its historic. or recent. Its been going on for years and is worse now than ever. So I say the laws are all wrong. I think people should be allowed 'freedom' to do what they want to do. Not be forced to do things they do not consent to. Demand is a choice. Saying no is a choice. Both should be allowed. The law says you are allowed to say yes, but you are not alowed to say no. The law says the demand is guilty of rape. No freedom within the current laws. The guilty, corrupt, Socialists right or. left, sadists get away with rape, torture, murder and all sorts of crimes against humanity. The law. says you dont qualify for human rights. Dehumanized.

Who made these corrupt laws? Hitler and Stalin ? If people cant learn from history and do better now then nothing will change. Ive tried to explain what I mean when I say the laws are all wrong. The laws are corrupt and serve only the guilty. Blame the victims, punish the victims is all wrong too. Wake up.

If people want to work at a real job, have a real marriage and real kids. Get a real education and career. This should not be a 'crime' and deliberately prevented. These corrupt, sadistic government workers, do just that. How about letting people have a 'life' and some 'freedom' to choose and do what they want to do. Your political agendas Socialism right or left are no excuse. If people dont say something and speak up then Hitler and Stalin types will take over again. Its called Socialism right or left.

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